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Archive for Pet Stem Cell Therapy

How Coronavirus is Impacting Market Research on Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market 2019 and Analysis to 2028 – News Distinct

The recently published market study by MRRSE highlights the current trends that are expected to influence the dynamics of the Canine Stem Cell Therapy market in the upcoming years. The report introspects the supply chain, cost structure, and recent developments pertaining to the Canine Stem Cell Therapy market in the report and the impact of the COVID-19 on these facets of the market. Further, the micro and macro-economic factors that are likely to impact the growth of the Canine Stem Cell Therapy market are thoroughly studied in the presented market study.

According to the report, the Canine Stem Cell Therapy market is expected to grow at a CAGR of ~XX% during the forecast period, 20XX-20XX and attain a value of ~US$ XX by the end of 20XX. The report is a valuable source of information for investors, stakeholders, established and current market players who are vying to improve their footprint in the current Canine Stem Cell Therapy market landscape amidst the global pandemic.

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Critical Data in the Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market Report

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Regional Assessment

The regional assessment chapter in the report offers an out and out understanding of the potential growth of the Canine Stem Cell Therapy market across various geographies such as:

Application Assessment

The presented study ponders over the numerous applications of the Canine Stem Cell Therapy and offers a fair assessment of the supply-demand ratio of each application including:

Market Taxonomy

The global canine stem cell therapy market has been segmented into:

Product Type:


End User:


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The report resolves the following doubts related to the Canine Stem Cell Therapy market:

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How Coronavirus is Impacting Market Research on Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market 2019 and Analysis to 2028 - News Distinct

Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market Covid-19 Impact In 2026 | In-depth Analysis, Global Market Share, Top Trends, Professional & Technical Industry…

New York City, United States Since the COVID-19 infection flare-up in December 2019, the malady has spread to right around 100 nations around the world with the World Health Organization proclaiming it a general wellbeing crisis. The worldwide effects of the coronavirus sickness 2019 (COVID-19) are now beginning to be felt, and will essentially influence the Healthcare Industry in 2020.

Persistence Market Research (PMR) has published a new research report on canine stem cell therapy. The report has been titled, Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market: Global Industry Analysis 2016 and Forecast 20172026.Veterinary research has been used in regenerative and adult stem cell therapy andhas gained significant traction over the last decade.

Canine stem cell therapy products are identified to have gained prominence over the past five years, and according to the aforementioned research report, the market for canine stem cell therapy will expand at a moderate pace over the next few years.

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Company Profiles

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Though all animal stem cells are not approved by FDA, veterinary stem-cell manufacturers and university researchers have been adopting various strategies in order to meet regulatory approvals, and streamline and expedite the review-and-approval process. The vendors in the market are incessantly concentrating on research and development to come up with advanced therapy, in addition to acquiring patents.

In September 2017, VetStem Biopharma, Inc. received European patent granted to the University of Pittsburgh and VetStem received full license of the patent then. This patent will eventually provide the coverage for the ongoing commercial and product development programs of VetStem and might be also available for licensing to other companies who are rather interested in this field.

The other companies operating in the global market for canine stem cell therapy are VETherapy Corporation, Aratana Therapeutics, Inc., Regeneus Ltd, Magellan Stem Cells, Animal Cell Therapies, Inc., and Medrego, among others.

According to the Persistence Market Research report, the globalcanine stem cell therapy marketis expected to witness a CAGR of 4.2% during the forecast period 2017-2026. In 2017, the market was valued at US$ 151.4 Mn and is expected to rise to a valuation of US$ 218.2 Mn by the end of 2026.

Burgeoning Prevalence of Chronic Diseases in Dogs to Benefit Market

Adipose Stem Cells (ASCs) are the most prevalent and in-demand adult stem cells owing to their safety profile, ease of harvest, and use and the ability to distinguish into multiple cell lineages. Most early clinical research is focused on adipose stem cells to treat various chronic diseases such as arthritis, tendonitis, lameness, and atopic dermatitis in dogs.

A large area of focus in veterinary medicine is treatment of osteoarthritis in dogs, which becomes more prevalent with age. Globally, more than 20% dogs are suffering from arthritis, which is a common form of canine joint and musculoskeletal disease. Out of those 20%, merely 5% seem to receive the treatment.

However, elbow dysplasia in canine registered a prevalence rate of 64%, converting it into an alarming disease condition to be treated on priority. Thereby, with the growing chronic disorders in canine, the demand for stem cell therapy is increasing at a significant pace.

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Expensive Nature of Therapy to Obstruct Growth Trajectory

Expensive nature and limited access to canine stem cell therapy has demonstrated to be a chief hindrance forestalling its widespread adoption. The average tier II and tier III veterinary hospitals lack the facilities and expertise to perform stem cell procedures, which necessitates the referral to a specialty vet hospital with expertise veterinarians.

A trained veterinary physician charges high treatment cost associated with stem cell therapy for dogs. Generally, dog owners have pet insurance that typically covers maximum cost associated with steam cell therapy to treat the initial injury but for the succeeding measures in case of retreatment, the costs are not covered under the pet insurance. The stem cell therapy is thus cost-prohibitive for a large number of pet owners, which highlights a major restraint to the market growth. Stem cell therapy is still in its developmental stage and a positive growth outcome for the market cannot be confirmed yet.

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Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market Covid-19 Impact In 2026 | In-depth Analysis, Global Market Share, Top Trends, Professional & Technical Industry...

Stem cell activity linked to lifestyle – Harvard Magazine

Sleep, diet, exercise, and stress: these are factors known to change a persons risk of developing numerous non-communicable diseases. Such lifestyle impacts on healthbeneficial or harmfulexert much of their influence via inflammation. About 10 years ago, Matthias Nahrendorf began wondering just how inflammation and lifestyle might be linked biologically, and started thinking about how to pinpoint the mechanism in the cardinal case of cardiovascular disease.

A persons level of inflammation can easily be measured with a simple white blood cell test. White blood cells fight off bacterial invasions and repair damaged tissues, but they can also damage healthy tissue when they become too abundant. You can find them in atherosclerotic plaques, and you can find them in acute infarcts, says Nahrendorf, a professor of radiology who conducts high-resolution imaging research at Massachusetts General Hospital. You can find them in failing hearts and the brain, where they increase the risk of stroke.

By linking exercise to reduced white blood cell production, Nahrendorf shows how a lifestyle factor can modulate cardiovascular risk.

When Nahrendorf learned that the most potent, toxic, and pro-inflammatory white blood cells live only a few hours, or at most a day, he immediately realized that the paramount questionsgiven that they die off quickly yet remain abundant in the bloodare, where and why are they produced? What is their source? Perhaps, he hypothesized, lifestyle factors regulate hematopoiesis (blood production).

To test this idea, he decided to study the effects of exercise on the production of these leukocytes in healthy mice. First, though, he consulted the scientific literature on exercise in mice. Previous researchers, he learned, had found that exercise increases production of inflammatory immune cellswhich I thought was counterintuitive, Nahrendorf recalls. When he looked more carefully, he discovered that the type of exercise used in the studies was forced and thus possibly stressful because it was induced by electric shocks. He therefore decided to test only voluntary exercise. He and his colleagues put a wheel in each mouses cage, so the animals could choose to run if they were interested.

The mice never ran during the day. That is when they rest, Nahrendorf explains. But in the dark, they ran a lot, averaging six to seven miles every night. After three weeks, the exercising mice had measurably lower levels of circulating white blood cells. Exercise, he found, had pushed their blood stem cells (cells that can produce all the different types of blood cells) into a state of quiescence: a kind of dormancy in which they generate fewer pro-inflammatory white blood cells and platelets, without decreasing the number of oxygen-carrying red blood cells. Soon the exercising mice had fewer circulating white blood cells than their sedentary counterparts, dampening inflammationan effect that persisted for weeks.

The local signals within bone marrow that induce quiescence in blood stem cells were already well known, but the fact that exercise could trigger them was not. Nahrendorf next wanted to learn the identity of the trigger linking exercise to blood stem cell quiescence. Further investigation revealed that the only receptors with enhanced activity in the bone marrow niche where most blood stem cells exist were binding to a well-known hormone called leptin; it is produced by fat cells and regulates hunger.

Leptin is like the fuel gauge in a car. When the tank is fullmeaning energy (and food) are abundantleptin levels run high. As exercise uses up the gas in the tank, this lowers leptin levels, which signal that reserves are running low, thereby inducing hunger and the urge to eat in order to replenish depleted energy stores. Nahrendorf and his co-authors speculate in their 2019 Nature Medicine paper that leptins role in regulating energetically costly hematopoiesis may have evolved to produce blood cells only when whole body energy was abundantnot when people are exerting themselves. Contemporary sedentary behavior, they continue, which increases leptin and consequently hematopoiesis, may have rendered this adaptation a risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and perhaps also for other diseases with inflammatory components.

But with fewer circulating immune cells, would exercising mice be more vulnerable to infection? Nahrendorf challenged them with a protocol designed to induce infection in the blood, and found just the opposite: exercising mice had a more robust immune response, as semi-dormant blood stem cells swiftly sprang into activity and produced infection-fighting leukocytes, improving survival of the active mice as compared to those with no running wheels in their cages. Next, they investigated whether exercise would help mice with established atherosclerosis, and found that exercise was not only protective, it also reduced the size of existing plaques in the aorta.

Whether these associations would hold up in humans remained an open question. For answers, Nahrendorf turned to a study known as CANTOS, which had measured levels of inflammation in 4,892 patients who suffered heart attacks (see Raw and Red Hot, May-June 2019, page 46). When he approached the studys co-authors, Mallinckrodt professor of medicine Peter Libby and Braunwald professor of medicine Paul Ridker, he learned, serendipitously, not only that they possessed self-reported exercise levels for the participants, but also that they had tested leptin levels as well. They analyzed their raw data and found the same relationship among exercise, leptin, and leukocytes as in the mice. Data from a second human study cemented the result.

By identifying a previously unknown molecular mechanism linking voluntary exercise to reduced white blood cell production, Nahrendorf and his colleagues have highlighted how a lifestyle factor can modulate cardiovascular risk. Their discovery, the researchers hope, will point the way to wider adoption of healthy exercise regimens, and health-enhancing anti-inflammatory drugs.

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Stem cell activity linked to lifestyle - Harvard Magazine

Beware This COVID-19 Vaccine ‘Study’ From an 80s Teen Tech Titan and a Carnivorous Plant Smuggler – The Daily Beast

A 1980s teen tech tycoon has teamed up with a one-time international carnivorous plant smuggler and a veterinarian to promote what they claim is a possible vaccine for COVID-19but experts warn the budding research project could contribute to the flood of misinformation plaguing the coronavirus crisis.

The trio co-authored a study suggesting existing inoculations for measles, mumps, and rubella could help protect against the ravages of COVID-19. Their report, published through an obscure environmental charity called the World Organization, is also seeking coronavirus survivors to volunteer for blood work to test their theory.

They also want Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nations foremost infectious diseases specialist, or another team of epidemiologists to take on their research.

Jeff Gold, the computer scientist and chief investigator behind the report, told The Daily Beast that news reports of low fatality rates among those under 50 inspired him to search for a cause. Then he stumbled across the creation date of the combined vaccine for measles, mumps, and rubella: 1971.

The only thing that could be physically different about people in the younger demographic, people under 50 versus people over 50, was a vaccine, Gold argued.

But Dr. Jim Conway, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, said readers need to be cautious when people are trying to draw associations that dont have a lot of biological plausibility.

While data mining is fine, theres much more risk of uncovering associations that have no true correlation versus finding things that actually have causation, Conway said.

World Organization, not to be confused with the World Health Organization, has published the reporttitled MMR Vaccine Appears to Confer Strong Protection from COVID-19: Few Deaths from SARS-CoV-2 in Highly Vaccinated Populationson its website and promoted it in press releases and in local news and social media. The group based their findings off of published epidemiological data on COVID-19 death rates and MMR vaccination campaigns.

Right now, it is a national priority to develop a safe and effective vaccine for the COVID-19 virus, and the race is on to do this, with dozens of companies and millions of dollars spent in this effort, the report states. As part of this effort, there should be an immediate investigation of using the already available MMR vaccine in controlled studies to show a protective benefit.

Gold collected mortality data first from South Korea and Hong Kong, which have large-scale modern immunization programs and also low mortality ratesbut which also implemented early and aggressive testing regimens and mask-wearing policies after the COVID-19 outbreak. He then examined locations such as Madagascar and Pacific Island nations which reported few or no deaths and also have wide-scale MMR inoculation programs. He contrasted these findings with Belgium, which the study says didnt even offer MMR vaccinations until 1985, and it wasnt until 1995 that it began giving the recommended two doses of MMR vaccinations per person.

The findings were so compelling to the 53-year-old Gold, he said, that he ran to his local Walgreens to get the MMR vaccine himself.

You can make data say anything you want if you pick and choose the right stuff.

Scientists have floated existing vaccinationsparticularly the nearly century-old Bacillus Calmette-Guerin live, attenuated tuberculosis vaccine and the 60-year-old oral polio vaccineas a possible defense against coronavirus. Both vaccines have been shown to boost innate immunity against other viral infections.

The MMR vaccine also contains live weakened forms of measles, mumps and rubella.

Experts, however, warn not to draw quick conclusions from Golds hypothesis.

Everybody is trying to pitch in, and I dont blame these people for trying to do something helpful, Conway told The Daily Beast. But just because two things are happening doesnt mean one has to do with the other, he added.

For example, as a vaccination advocate who battles misinformation about vaccines and autism, Conway says he shows people a slide that indicates the disorder rises perfectly with an increase in the sale of organic foods. You can make data say anything you want if you pick and choose the right stuff, he said.

One factor missing from the study is pre-existing comorbidities. Its also lacking information on how many tests each country conducted, Conway said.

Weve been using MMR vaccines for decades and they have done nothing to prevent SARS and other coronaviruses, he added. Theres not a lot of reason biologically that other vaccines would protect against COVID.

Dr. Ajay K. Sethi, an infectious disease epidemiologist and associate professor of population health sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, cautioned that there is no evidence Gold and his co-investigators used a scientific approach to test their hypothesis that different exposure to vaccines between younger and older people may account for this different morbidity rate [in COVID-19].

According to Sethi, some red flags in the report include that the study design is not provided and the authors do not cite relevant research that led to their hypothesis. Theres also no statistical tests to determine if the findings are due to chance.

Other explanations for the relationship between older age and COVID deaths are not explored even though much has been written about this subject, Sethi continued. The countries chosen and presentation of information appear to be cherry-picked to support their conclusion. Evidence of objectivity is lacking. Citations are not provided for many of the claims made.

He said conclusions should not be drawn until three questions are addressed: Are the findings instead due to statistical chance? Can bias explain the findings? And could the reason for the finding be explained by some other variable?

Meanwhile, Gold is pushing for wider recognition of his MMR vaccine theory. Its Golds first apparent foray into immunology; for most of the past decade, he and the World Organization have run a pet adoption networkRescue Me!and the Georgia Nature Center, an attraction in Watkinsville geared toward school children. But he spent the 1980s making startling discoveries of another kind.

U.S. News & World Report profiled Gold in 1983, when he was the then-16-year-old founder of Double-Gold Software, having developed an early anti-piracy program called Lock-It Up and an algorithm that could solve a Rubiks Cube. When the magazine paid Gold a visit, the teenage genius was angry hed need a cosigner for the furniture hed ordered for his suite of offices. Back then, he told the outlet he didnt believe in failure.

If you start a company and go bankrupt, it doesnt mean you have failed. You will have learned from the experience, said the Silicon Valley wunderkind, who had dropped out of high school to pursue his tech businesses.

According to a 1984 Washington Post feature on young computer capitalists, Gold was raking in more than $100,000 a year and driving a Datsun sports car with vanity plates: DBL GOLD. In his memoir The Accidental Millionaire, entrepreneur Gary Fong recalled meeting Gold at the University of California, Santa Barbara, around the same time, and described him as a generational genius.

By the early 1990s, Gold had cultivated an interest in carnivorous plantsone he shared with a friend, William Baumgartl, a doctor at the Allegiant Spine Institute in Nevada who is now involved in Golds MMR vaccine push.

Baumgartl, an anesthesiologist and stem cell specialist, said his friends findings impressed him when Gold shared them earlier this year. The data suggests a correlation between those who get the MMR and have protection, Baumgartl told The Daily Beast. It may be the basis of a very inexpensive, and very easy to initiate, vaccine therapy for this disease.

The files of the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners indicate that Baumgartls history as a physician is unblemished. But his personal record is not so pristine: In 1995, he and two friends pleaded guilty to smuggling hundreds of carnivorous Nepenthes pitcher plants into the U.S. from Indonesia and Malaysia, in violation of the Endangered Species Act. Just a few years earlier, Gold had faced a similar accusation from the Venezuelan government, which alleged he had stolen carnivorous orchids from the slopes of the South American nations Tepui mesas. Gold disputed the accusationsand still doesbut subsequently dissolved a nonprofit he had founded to study the insect-swallowing flora.

Theres a need now to have someone, an epidemiologist, take this to the next level.

Baumgartl, for his part, blamed his imbroglio on bad legal advice from one of his accomplices, an Oakland deputy district attorney. I accounted for what I did, accepted responsibility, and it was a very minor charge, the doctor said, adding that he served no hard time for the crime.

Meanwhile, the ragtag team of researchers has linked a University of Cambridge study on MMR vaccines to their own, calling it a corroborating report.

In April, U.K. scientists uploaded a study to the server medRxiv which identified some chemical similarities between COVID-19 and the measles, mumps, and rubella viruses, and a correlation between rubella antibodies and a lower impact by the novel coronavirus. The report, which is not peer-reviewed, concludes that vaccination of at risk age groups with an MMR vaccination merits further consideration as a time-appropriate and safe intervention.

I suddenly felt like this is such an important connection that's been made, and they've made, most importantly, that really knocks this out of the park, Gold said of finding the Cambridge paper. They came up with the same thing we did coming at it with completely different angles.

Still, Rocio Hernandez, one of the researchers on the Cambridge study, objected to the World Organizations interpretation of their research in a statement to the Daily Beast. He pointed to disclaimers on medRxiv which warn that papers there should not be relied on to guide clinical practice or health-related behavior and should not be reported in news media as established information. He further underscored that the Cambridge teams work is still in its embryonic stages, and requires considerable further lab research.

In short, no, they are not using the work appropriately, it cannot be used to corroborate their own conclusions for obvious reasons, Hernandez told the Daily Beast. It is preliminary work, based on preliminary lab tests, and the hypothesis still requires further lab/clinical work to confirm or refute it. Our study leads are currently seeking funds for this.

Undeterred, Gold has been aggressively pushing his paper, sending it to Dr. Fauci, and to the National Institute of Health. And this week, on the advice of several friends, he began his campaign to get it noticed in the press.

They tell me you need to get this to the media before the people in the NIH are going to pay attention to it, Gold said. "What we're saying is if this is true, and what Cambridge more importantly has come across, if this is true, then there is a solution to this pandemic that could be put into action within weeks.

In an email, the NIHs National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases confirmed that the World Organization reached out to its staff but that it is currently not studying a connection between the MMR vaccine and COVID-19.

Another associate of Golds, New Mexico-based veterinarian Dr. Larry Tilleythe author and editor of multiple volumes on animal ailmentstold The Daily Beast that he researched medical literature as part of the study, which was Golds brainchild. But he stressed theyre seeking government researchers or experienced epidemiologists to adopt the hypothesis. Theres a need now to have someone, an epidemiologist, take this to the next level, said Tilley, who also got a booster shot because of Golds findings. What we found is all preliminary.

We just simply saw something that didnt make sensewhy certain countries were having such a high death rate, Tilley added. I say it to people now: Im not an expert. But it seems like theres something there.

Tilley said the World Organization is trying to reach anyone who can run with their findings, whether its people in D.C., Dr. Faucis group, NIH, or CDC.

Readers of the study have already flocked to the groups Facebook page, asking if they should get a measles booster shot and if doctors administer them on request. One woman commented, I should be okay then. MMR is one of the vaccines I got in 2010, it was required for my citizenship process.

Another commenter said she was born in 1973 and asked if shed likely had the MMR vaccine. World.Org replied, You probably did, but at that time they only gave one rather than two in a row, which was less effective. Id recommend getting a series of two again now. Whether or not our study ends up proving this 100%, we already have a lot of evidence pointing that way, it cant hurt to get them again.

Hubby and I are going to CVS tomorrow, the woman replied. Thanks for the info!!!

Before The Daily Beast reached out, the World Organization had begun soliciting COVID-19 survivors through its website to participate in a new study in which volunteers would travel to the nearest Quest Diagnostics lab and get tested for MMR antibodies.

Sethi, the infectious disease epidemiologist, expressed concern that the studys authors are using their paper as the basis for recruiting COVID-19 survivors to participate in human subjects research.

In a time of crisis, fear and uncertainty can cause individuals to not exercise better judgment when evaluating the legitimacy of information found online, Sethi told The Daily Beast. COVID survivors may be eager to participate in research to get answers about the illness they had experienced and to contribute to the effort to address the pandemic.

Sethi, who also researches the spread of public health conspiracies, said that based on the studys appearance, a reader may mistake the paper as being scientifically rigorous.

Moreover, the name of the organization that carried out the study is called World Organization. Someone could easily confuse that with World Health Organization and be misled into thinking that the WHO carried out the study, Sethi added.

Indeed, at least one outlet, TechStartups.com, has confused Golds group with the World Health Organization and misattributed its research accordingly.

When encountering seemingly scientific papers, consumers should check to see if they were published in peer-reviewed journals, Sethi said. Those journals should have a reputation for publishing high-quality research in the field of study. Authors may instead choose to publish their research papers on preprint servers, like medRxiv, arXiv, and bioRxiv, which are well known by members of the scientific community, Sethi said.

Posting articles to these preprint servers is the norm in many fields, and by doing so, the research is immediately accessible to anyone and is inherently subject to continuous peer review once it is posted. By publishing their paper on their own website instead of a well known preprint servers, the authors have bypassed the peer-review process, Sethi added.

World Organizations report came with a caveat at the end: In the interest of providing early information to other researchers and the public, many COVID-19 researchers including ourselves are publishing early release articles like this one which are not considered final. The information contained herein, and certainty of any conclusions being reached, are subject to change as this study continues.

Sethi said, The disclaimer in the article is a good thing, but it's not a substitute for posting the research on a credible website where it can undergo peer-review.

But Gold defended himself and his work, claiming he hoped only to encourage further inquiry into a potential life-saving answer to the current crisis.

Were not trying to pretend to be the epidemiologists here, he said. If this is not a solution, I think it's equally important for someone to go through this data and analyze it.

Shortly after talking with The Daily Beast, Gold reconfigured the World Organizations website to redirect to ResearchGate, an academic networking and preprint site, where his study had gone up one day prior.

Conway, the pediatric infectious diseases expert, said that until such studies are peer-reviewed, theyre as good as social media.

Were in a historic era in one way, because science is so much more transparent than it used to be because of the internet, Conway said. This includes posting studies on websites before theyve been tested widely by other scientists.

And rushing to conclusions can have dangerous consequences. Conway noted how New York doctors prescribed the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine in light of observational studies, which had not been peer-reviewed clinical trials. Then came a Food and Drug Administration warning that tests had indicated the medicine could cause potentially life-threatening heart rhythm problems, even though it hadnt proven safe or effective for treating COVID-19.

One glimmer of information and hope suddenly leads to a snowballing effect, Conway told The Daily Beast. Since we dont have anything clear, people want to act. They would prefer to not just stand there but do something.

See the rest here:
Beware This COVID-19 Vaccine 'Study' From an 80s Teen Tech Titan and a Carnivorous Plant Smuggler - The Daily Beast

Shark Tank Season 11 Finale: Our Top 5 products of the season and why we love them – MEAWW

ABCs Shark Tank is not just a platform for entrepreneurs to source the best investors for their businesses but also to get exposure to their ideas and products in front of millions of viewers. For the past 11 years and still counting, the business reality show has brought us an array of incredible innovations, and product concepts that are aimed at changing life and the planet. And now, as the 11th season of Shark Tank ends with its 24th episode, we revisit the entire season and take our favorite picks of products.

Is working from home keeping you away from sunlight? Circadian Optics could be the solution to missed natural light. Founded by Amber Leong, Circadian Optics provides light therapy lamps. It helps to maintain our bodys inner clock or the circadian rhythm, which drives our sleeping habits and determines how we respond to light and darkness. The lamps come in five different styles and travel-friendly sizes. This is more effective for those living in northern regions or in winter, with shorter days and lesser daylight.

Why we love it: Living in a time when we have a major lack of natural daylight and are always distracted with external stimuli (devices, noise, changing lifestyles), this light therapy could help us maintain the internal rhythm of the body.

The stem cell banking for dogs is as unique as it gets. Taking cues from his personal experience, entrepreneur Aaron Hirschhorn introduced the idea of banking stem cells for pets and help cure/prevent serious medical conditions that might occur in the future.

Why we love it: Despite cutting edge R&D and inventions in stem cell research, there is hardly anything directed for dogs, except for specific conditions like arthritis or tissue/ligament injuries. This kind of solutions can help improve a pets life and boost longevity.

Now bring the gym inside your home with this compact and portable device founded by Greg Nigro! Terra Core is an air-filled, balance-building machine that lets you work out anywhere, anytime. From weight loss, to specific muscle building, increasing stamina, core strengthening, and overall fitness, Terra Core allows resistance, aerobic training and functional training for every fitness level.

Why we love it: With less time to spare and more need for fitness, this is perfect for the busy, modern-day professional, which lets them use it anytime, anywhere and at an affordable price. And if the current scenario of social isolation continues, then we need such workout tools more than ever!

Next time you crave tater tots or spicy wings, switch to Rollingreens and indulge in plant-based, flavorful snacks! Founded by Ryan and Lindsey Cunningham, the brand offers tots made of millets and crispy cauliflower wings.

Why we love it: Healthy eating is not an option or a fad but the need of the hour. With these completely vegan, gluten-free and allergen-friendly snacking options, its possible to indulge and stay healthy at the same time!

Redefining dine-out habits, Jeff Appelbaum brings this restaurant delivery service, based on the operational concept of cloud kitchen. He aggregates meals from six different restaurants and delivers to customers at their doorsteps.

Why we love it: With the ongoing need for social isolation, the restaurant culture is going to change completely. And services like Salted could help maintain the dining out experience from the comfort and safety of your home!

While there are many more such innovative products that made it to season 11 of Shark Tank, these remain top of the list mostly because they fit into the current lifestyle overhauled by the global pandemic. Whether we continue to live in isolation in the coming days or go back to normal, these products will remain effective for a long time to come.

Shark Tank will be back for an all-new Season 12 in later part of 2020. Meanwhile, catch up on the earlier episodes and the products you missed!

Shark Tank Season 11 Finale: Our Top 5 products of the season and why we love them - MEAWW

Higher risk of infection, changes to treatment makes COVID-19 a double threat for cancer patients – theday.com

The coronavirus pandemic has caused significant changes and delays to treatment plans for many people battling cancer, who are more susceptible to the virus due to weakened immune systems, nationwide statistics show.

A survey conducted by The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network in late March and early April found that half of more than 1,000 patients and survivors surveyed had seen their treatment interrupted in some way. Many are working with health care providers to alter their treatment plans skipping treatments, delaying therapies and surgeries, changing dosages and switching to virtual visits to lower their risk of exposure to the virus.

Thesurvey asked respondents about their experience accessing health care as a result of the pandemic, including the availability of appointments and services, and concerns about being able to safely get their treatments in the future. It found that27% of patients in active treatment said they have had their treatment delayed. Of those, 13% saidthey haveno clear timeline for whentreatment will resume.

Additionally, many cancer patients also have had their support systems ripped away, as they practice social isolation and see annual support events such as Relay for Life in southeastern Connecticut canceled.

Balancing risks

Approximately 20,300 people in Connecticut will be diagnosed with cancer in 2020 and 6,390 will die from the disease, according to Bryte Johnson, Connecticut Government Relations Director for American Cancer.

Andy Salner, medical director for the Hartford HealthCare Cancer Institute at Hartford Hospital, said cancer patients often have weakened immune systems, so may more easily contract the virus than someone without cancer. They alsomay developa more severe case ofthe COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus,and have a harder time fighting it.

Some cancers themselves, like multiple melanomas and most types of Leukemia, impact the immune system directly by altering blood cells. People with cancer might also be poorly nourished because cancer itself can make it hard to digest food, cancer cells can use up nutrients and cancer treatments like radiation therapy and chemotherapy can cause nausea and lack of appetite, according to the Cancer Action Network.

Radiation therapy, immunotherapy and chemotherapy also can lead to short-term immune system damage, and bone marrow or stem cell transplants that use high-dose treatments to kill cancer also may harm immune system cells for weeks to months, according to the American Cancer Society. Chemotherapy is the most common cause of a weakened immune system, because it causes a decrease in white blood cells, meaning a person's body won't be able to fight off infections as effectively.

At the Hartford Healthcare Cancer Institute in Waterford, oncologists Michael Kane and Sapna Khubchandani complete thousands of patient visits each year, and are helping patients design new treatment plansto battle and monitor their cancer while reducing their risk of exposure to the coronavirus.

For one local woman, a COVID-19 diagnosis meant missing her final session of chemotherapy, Khubchandani said. She did not identify the patient for privacy reasons.

Khubchandani said she didnt think missing one session so late in the treatment plan would have too much of an impact on the patient, but it wasnt ideal. An elective surgery related to the woman's cancer treatment, meant to take place after she completed chemotherapy, was delayed due to the virus, Khubchandani said.

COVID-19 has caused doctors to delay many suchnonemergency surgeries related to cancer treatment, including breast biopsies, lumpectomies or colonoscopies. Khubchandani, Kane and Salner all said they have had to make changes to surgery plans, either for patient safety or due to a lack of beds in intensive care units that are overwhelmed with patients battling the virus.

Doctors have been exploring alternatives, such as putting patients on hormonal treatment as they await surgery, so that were still treating the cancer while we wait, which will buy them time, Khubchandani said.

From some of his patients, Kane has made adjustments to medication dosages or administration intervals, to limit visits. Its all about individualizing treatment for each patients scenario, he said.

Worrying about the unknown

For one of Kane's patients, Richard van Etten ofHadlyme, protecting the 89-year-old from COVID-19 meant forgoing the transfusion he normally receives every three weeks.

Van Etten has been battling cancer since 2018, first in his bladder, then a cancerous module in his left lung, then in his lymph nodes.

Hecompleted chemotherapy and recently started a new drug called Keytruda, administered via infusions through a port for the cancer in his bladder and lymph nodes.

He recently learned that the cancer in his lymph nodes is gone, but his care team decided to continue his transfusions in case there were any residual cancer cells left, he said. But whenthe coronavirusbecame a concern, they decided to stop.

The virus hit and I was very hesitant about continuing my infusions, which were taking place in Waterford, he said. I talked with Dr. Kane and we decided to forgo them for now.

Since the start of the pandemic, he has been to the treatment center only once, to have his port cleaned. He said he is being very careful and is barely leaving his home, where he lives with his wife and daughter.

Van Etten said that he is absolutely anxious about contracting COVID-19, mostly due to his age. He said he feels confident about his decision to delay his treatment to limit his exposure to the virus but is worried about what might be happening inside his body.

Knowing that I was either in remission or close to it when I stopped, that it was at least temporarily under control, makes me feel OK with missing my infusions, he said. But that doesnt mean that in the back of my mind I dont wonder if it might be coming back.

Heis anxiously awaiting his next in-person visit, a PET scan scheduled for June 1, thats going to tell me whether any of the cancer has come back or not, he said.

Margie Elkins is a breast cancer survivor and active volunteer for the American Cancer Society and several other cancer organizations in southeastern Connecticut. While she is missing regular checkups and experiencing some delays in her own follow-up care, she said, One of the things that really worries me is not only the people who are experiencing delays in treatment but the people who have yet to be diagnosed, because the longer you wait in some cases, the larger the cancer becomes."

For thosewhose treatment hasbeen delayed, Its like their life is on hold because they dont know if their cancer is getting worse or getting better, she said.

Salner said delaying treatments certainly poses a risk. I think the worry would be that the cancer cells could potentially grow during that time (that treatments are delayed), that the treatment might be less effective if its delayed too far, he said.

Among survey respondents whose care had been canceled, delayed or changed by the pandemic, the most commonly impacted services were imaging procedures to monitor growth of cancer, supportive services such as therapy and in-person provider visits.

Salner said that decisions to delay chemotherapies and radiation, or reversing the order of treatments to prevent weakening of the immune system during the pandemic, were being made regularly and in partnership with patients and their families.

We want to balance making sure that we deliver the best cancer therapy possible but also place the patient at the lowest risk for getting what could be a life-threatening infection, he said.

In Waterford, Kane and Khubchandani have started screening patients for COVID-19 before starting them on chemotherapy or immunotherapy to ensure they are strong and healthy enough for the treatment. If a patient does have the virus, the doctors are delaying chemotherapy or immunotherapy in almost all cases. The ultimate decision though, is primarily left up to the patient. If they want to receive treatment, they likely will be able to, doctors agree.

Kane and Khubchandani also are implementing general precautions for people entering their offices: taking patients temperature, calling patients the day before to screen for COVID-19 symptoms and opting for virtual visits when possible. At the Waterford treatment center, theyve reduced the number of chairs in the waiting room and are scheduling laboratory services further apart. All doctors and patients are wearing masks at all times.

The extra precautions seem to be helping, Salner said. The Hartford Healthcare group has not seen a large influx of cancer patients testing positive for COVID-19.

Finding support

Some survivors are concerned about the emotional impact of COVID-19 on people currently battling cancer, worrying that they may feel overwhelmed and alone, both in their diagnosis and by social distancing.

Elkins said that she felt isolated when she was first diagnosed with stage1 breast cancer years ago, and can only imagine how that feeling is being compounded by the isolation of quarantine.

Greg Schlough, event chairman for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life of Southeastern CT, said that in his experience, cancer is a disease that causes people to really rally around you. The survivor saidthose with cancer tend to rely on their family and friends for support, like he did after being diagnosed with stage 3 melanoma on his 40th birthday in September 2000.

At the beginning, you get that doom and gloom feeling but when people start to come around and you start to see other people who have survived, you are able to say Hey, Im going to beat this thing. You know that you have people backing up and cheering you on, he said.

Right now, folks fighting cancer, especially a new diagnosis, may be struggling to find that support as they practice social distancing from their family and friends.

Schlough, in remission for 20 years, said that if he was a cancer patient right now, he would be afraid to go outside, and cant imagine how new patients are feeling.

For patients who are struggling with feelings of isolation or fear, events like the annual relay provide an opportunity to connect with others who are fighting the same fight, or who are examples of strength and survival. This years relay, which was set to be held on July 14 in Norwich, has been postponed indefinitely.

The annual fundraiser normally raises an average of $80,000 to $120,000 a year for the American Cancer Society, helping the society fund resources and support services to help people with cancer.

Schlough said organizers are hoping to reschedule the event for the end of summer, but it wouldfunction in accordance with social distancing guidelines and everyone will be required to wear masks. People currently in treatment, he said, may have to miss out or participate virtually.

Wed rather see them there next year smiling than this year with the risk of getting sick, he said.

Schloughsuggests patients or survivors who are emotionally strugglingor needhelp understanding treatment options shouldreach out to friends and family for over-the-phone support or call the American Cancer Societys hotline, 1 (800) 227-2345.


Continued here:
Higher risk of infection, changes to treatment makes COVID-19 a double threat for cancer patients - theday.com

‘Shark Tank’ Season 11 Finale: Our Top 5 products of the season and why we love them – Checkersaga

ABCs Shark Tank is not only a platform for entrepreneurs to supply the greatest buyers for his or her companies but additionally to get publicity to their concepts and products in entrance of thousands and thousands of viewers. For the previous 11 years and nonetheless counting, the enterprise actuality present has introduced us an array of unbelievable improvements, and product ideas which might be geared toward altering life and the planet. And now, as the 11th season of Shark Tank ends with its 24th episode, we revisit the complete season and take our favourite picks of products.

Is working from residence maintaining you away from daylight? Circadian Optics may very well be the answer to missed pure gentle. Based by Amber Leong, Circadian Optics offers gentle remedy lamps. It helps to keep up our physiques internal clock or the circadian rhythm, which drives our sleeping habits and determines how we reply to gentle and darkness. The lamps are available in 5 completely different kinds and travel-friendly sizes. That is simpler for these dwelling in northern areas or in winter, with shorter days and lesser daylight.

Why we love it: Residing in a time when we have a serious lack of pure daylight and are all the time distracted with exterior stimuli (units, noise, altering existence), this gentle remedy might assist us preserve the inner rhythm of the physique.

The stem cell banking for canine is as distinctive because it will get. Taking cues from his private expertise, entrepreneur Aaron Hirschhorn launched the concept of banking stem cells for pets and assist remedy/stop critical medical situations which may happen in the future.

Why we love it: Regardless of innovative R&D and innovations in stem cell analysis, there may be hardly something directed for canine, apart from particular situations like arthritis or tissue/ligament accidents. This type of options may also help enhance a pets life and increase longevity.

Now deliver the fitness center inside your private home with this compact and transportable system based by Greg Nigro! Terra Core is an air-filled, balance-building machine that allows you to work out wherever, anytime. From weight reduction, to particular muscle constructing, rising stamina, core strengthening, and general health, Terra Core permits resistance, cardio coaching and useful coaching for each health stage.

Why we love it: With much less time to spare and extra want for health, that is good for the busy, modern-day skilled, which lets them use it anytime, wherever and at an reasonably priced value. And if the present situation of social isolation continues, then we want such exercise instruments greater than ever!

Subsequent time you crave tater tots or spicy wings, swap to Rollingreens and bask in plant-based, flavorful snacks! Based by Ryan and Lindsey Cunningham, the model affords tots made of millets and crispy cauliflower wings.

Why we love it: Wholesome consuming shouldnt be an possibility or a fad however the want of the hour. With these fully vegan, gluten-free and allergen-friendly snacking choices, its potential to indulge and keep wholesome at the identical time!

Redefining dine-out habits, Jeff Appelbaum brings this restaurant supply service, primarily based on the operational idea of cloud kitchen. He aggregates meals from six completely different eating places and delivers to prospects at their doorsteps.

Why we love it: With the ongoing want for social isolation, the restaurant tradition goes to vary fully. And providers like Salted might assist preserve the eating out expertise from the consolation and security of your private home!

Whereas there are various extra such modern products that made it to season 11 of Shark Tank, these stay high of the checklist largely as a result of they match into the present way of life overhauled by the international pandemic. Whether or not we proceed to stay in isolation in the coming days or return to regular, these products will stay efficient for a very long time to return.

Shark Tank will probably be again for an all-new Season 12 in later half of 2020. In the meantime, atone for the earlier episodes and the products you missed!

Disclaimer : The views expressed on this article belong to the author and should not essentially shared by 1.

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'Shark Tank' Season 11 Finale: Our Top 5 products of the season and why we love them - Checkersaga

New hobbies, quality family time, zero commutes: The unexpected benefits of lockdown life – Yahoo Lifestyle

Living in lockdown has helped some people make improvements in their careers and personal lives. (Photo: Getty Images stock)

Silver linings can be few and far between during the coronavirus pandemic. The crisis has brought upheaval to countless lives but some folks are getting through it by focusing on the unexpected positive changes theyve experienced since entering lockdown mode.

Aisha Moore, a health educator and self-care expert, tells Yahoo Life that being around her husband of nine years 24/7 has allowed the couple to resolve communication issues, be more mindful of their relationship and spend more quality time together at home. Hypnotherapist Penny Ling is sleeping better at night and feeling more productive since replacing her commutes into the office with virtual therapy sessions. And Michael James Nuells, who works in the entertainment industry, says that the lockdown helped him sever ties for good with an extremely toxic ex hed split with shortly before Los Angeles County implemented stay-at-home orders; by quarantining separately, hes been able to cut off contact, heal through activities like yoga and journaling, and focus on getting back to self-love and self-worth.

Heather, a therapist based in Rhode Island who prefers not to disclose her real name, is also using her time in self-isolation to move on from a break-up. In her case, its her impending divorce after a year and a half of separation. Going into lockdown, during which she shares custody of her two children, coincided neatly with her transition to the happily divorced stage of life. When her kids are with her ex, shes pursuing new passions, including gardening with a friend at a safe distance, listening to empowering, women-centric podcasts and cooking. (Now I kind of get why people love to cook, for the first time in my life, she laughs.)

Im appreciating a simple life, she tells Yahoo Life. Im appreciating not being in the car, and doing pickup/drop-off, running around with my head cut off. I am not generally a homebody actually, but I am enjoying being in my home and not having the pressure of going here, there and everywhere.

Story continues

Working remotely by offering online therapy sessions something she hopes to continue post-pandemic has offered a nice escape from her typical rushed routine, but it also hammers in just how good she has it compared to others.

Im very aware of my privilege, she says, adding, I do feel a little guilty about it when I talk to people who are miserable. We are in a pandemic, which is horrifying and horrible, and I would like it to end. However, here we are, and its not ending anytime soon.

Ruth Bienstock, who owns the Outlette jewelry boutique on New York Citys Upper West Side, also admits juggling conflicting feelings about how quarantine has impacted her life. Running a small, non-essential business during a pandemic has been a challenge, and like everyone else, shes anguished by the grim news headlines. But having less work and more time with her two children who were forced to come home from college and are now quarantining with Bienstock and her ex-husband, who has also moved into her home has been a blessing.

I know whats going on, she says. I know the tragedy. Its not that Im totally removed from the reality of this thing. But I also know that two realities can happen at the same time. I feel the pain of everyone else. I miss certain things about life from before.

But working to the point of exhaustion while missing out on quality family time is not one of them.

Having a retail business for six years has meant us working practically every single weekend, says Bienstock, who runs her shop with her ex. So its been years of me having to leave the kids on a Saturday morning, having to leave the kids on a Sunday morning, and just watching people be with their kids over a weekend and not having that. ... All those weekends, were getting them back with our kids.

In quarantine, the former couple has established a happy family unit in a new normal weird sort of way. Bienstock is soaking it all up and picking up new hobbies, from painting to online Scrabble to becoming a culinary goddess.

I would get home from work exhausted at 8 oclock, and then all you would hear is a symphony of beeps from the microwave, she tells Yahoo Life. Now Im cooking, which is unbelievable ... I am now like Harriet from Ozzy & Harriet. All I want to do is nurture and feed.

Family dinners arent the only blissful aspect shes experienced. Despite running a fashion business, Bienstock has embraced a new life free from worrying about outward appearances (I dont think I could ever wear a zipper again, she quips) and has made her spirituality a priority, too.

I started meditating, she says in disbelief. Im bloody Eat Pray Love the reincarnate.

Dr. Jen Hartstein, a psychologist and Yahoo Life Mental Health Contributor, says its natural that the forced downtime of quarantine would prompt people to press pause and reflect on the positive changes more family time, a more rewarding career, a better relationship they can make in the long term.

The quarantine has its host of challenges for many of us, and, at the same time, does offer us some benefits, she tells Yahoo Life. Most of us do not expect to have as much time with family, with ourselves, just quiet, in our lives as we might have now. This opportunity allows us space to think about what we want to do with our time differently, now and moving into the future.

Forced downtime, which many of us have because we arent commuting or running around like we did, allows for increased connection and creativity. It allows us to reflect on our life and figure out what is working, and what is not. Although there is a lot out there to create anxiety and worry, inside, take the time and see what positive changes you want to make in your life and begin to make them. As you practice these changes, you can bring them into your life as a whole.

Finding silver linings may at times feel selfish, but focusing on the positive aspects of this experience can help people cope during a trying time.

Theres no need to feel guilty about making changes, Dr. Hartstein says. They may be exactly what you need and want.

Bienstock says she tries to count her blessings and cut herself slack for enjoying certain aspects of her life in lockdown.

I absolutely feel guilty because I do know whats going on out there, she says. I do feel guilt, and then I kind of work through it and I realize I can have dual feelings. I can enjoy this and then feel the other feelings as well.

For the latest coronavirus news and updates, follow along at https://news.yahoo.com/coronavirus. According to experts, people over 60 and those who are immunocompromised continue to be the most at risk. If you have questions, please reference the CDCs and WHOs resource guides.

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New hobbies, quality family time, zero commutes: The unexpected benefits of lockdown life - Yahoo Lifestyle

PMR : Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market to Witness CAGR 4.2% Growth in Revenue During the Period 2026 – MENAFN.COM

(MENAFN - iCrowdNewsWire) May 12, 2020

Persistence Market Research (PMR) has published a new research report on canine stem cell therapy. The report has been titled , 'Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market: Global Industry Analysis 2016 and Forecast 20172026. Veterinary research has been used in regenerative and adult stem cell therapy andhas gained significant traction over the last decade.

Canine stem cell therapy products are identified to have gained prominence over the past five years, and according to the aforementioned research report, the market for canine stem cell therapy will expand at a moderate pace over the next few years.

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Though all animal stem cells are not approved by FDA, veterinary stem-cell manufacturers and university researchers have been adopting various strategies in order to meet regulatory approvals, and streamline and expedite the review-and-approval process. The vendors in the market are incessantly concentrating on research and development to come up with advanced therapy, in addition to acquiring patents.

In September 2017, VetStem Biopharma, Inc. received European patent granted to the University of Pittsburgh and VetStem received full license of the patent then. This patent will eventually provide the coverage for the ongoing commercial and product development programs of VetStem and might be also available for licensing to other companies who are rather interested in this field.

The other companies operating in the global market for canine stem cell therapy are VETherapy Corporation, Aratana Therapeutics, Inc., Regeneus Ltd, Magellan Stem Cells, Animal Cell Therapies, Inc., and Medrego, among others.

According to the Persistence Market Research report, the global canine stem cell therapy market is expected to witness a CAGR of 4.2% during the forecast period 2017-2026. In 2017, the market was valued at US$ 151.4 Mn and is expected to rise to a valuation of US$ 218.2 Mn by the end of 2026.

Burgeoning Prevalence of Chronic Diseases in Dogs to Benefit Market

Adipose Stem Cells (ASCs) are the most prevalent and in-demand adult stem cells owing to their safety profile, ease of harvest, and use and the ability to distinguish into multiple cell lineages. Most early clinical research is focused on adipose stem cells to treat various chronic diseases such as arthritis, tendonitis, lameness, and atopic dermatitis in dogs.

A large area of focus in veterinary medicine is treatment of osteoarthritis in dogs, which becomes more prevalent with age. Globally, more than 20% dogs are suffering from arthritis, which is a common form of canine joint and musculoskeletal disease. Out of those 20%, merely 5% seem to receive the treatment.

However, elbow dysplasia in canine registered a prevalence rate of 64%, converting it into an alarming disease condition to be treated on priority. Thereby, with the growing chronic disorders in canine, the demand for stem cell therapy is increasing at a significant pace.

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Expensive Nature of Therapy to Obstruct Growth Trajectory

Expensive nature and limited access to canine stem cell therapy has demonstrated to be a chief hindrance forestalling its widespread adoption. The average tier II and tier III veterinary hospitals lack the facilities and expertise to perform stem cell procedures, which necessitates the referral to a specialty vet hospital with expertise veterinarians.

A trained veterinary physician charges high treatment cost associated with stem cell therapy for dogs. Generally, dog owners have pet insurance that typically covers maximum cost associated with steam cell therapy to treat the initial injury but for the succeeding measures in case of retreatment, the costs are not covered under the pet insurance. The stem cell therapy is thus cost-prohibitive for a large number of pet owners, which highlights a major restraint to the market growth. Stem cell therapy is still in its developmental stage and a positive growth outcome for the market cannot be confirmed yet.

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Persistence Market Research (PMR) is a third-platform research firm. Our research model is a unique collaboration of data analytics and market research methodology to help businesses achieve optimal performance.

To support companies in overcoming complex business challenges, we follow a multi-disciplinary approach. At PMR, we unite various data streams from multi-dimensional sources. By deploying real-time data collection, big data, and customer experience analytics, we deliver business intelligence for organizations of all sizes.

Our client success stories feature a range of clients from Fortune 500 companies to fast-growing startups. PMR's collaborative environment is committed to building industry-specific solutions by transforming data from multiple streams into a strategic asset.

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PMR : Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market to Witness CAGR 4.2% Growth in Revenue During the Period 2026 - MENAFN.COM

Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market 2020, Booms the Global Industry Growth at Impressive CAGR Over Forecast Period and Dominated by Key Players-VETSTEM…

TheCanine Stem Cell TherapyMarketResearch Report offers an extensive analysis of key drivers, leading market players, key segments, and regions. Besides this, the experts have deeply studied different geographical areas and presented a competitive scenario to assist new entrants, leading market players, and investors to determine emerging economies. These insights offered in the report would benefit market players to formulate strategies for the future and gain a strong position in the global market.

Request For Sample Copy of Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market Research Report

**The sample pages of this report is immediately accessible on-demand.**

Our Sample Report Covers-

The report covers present status and future prospects.

The report analyses market trends, size, and forecast in different geographically.

The report provides market competition overview among the Top companies.

The report provides a complete analysis of the current and emerging market trends and opportunities.

Top market players are profiled in this research study Are:VETSTEM BIOPHARMA, Cell Therapy Sciences, Regeneus, Aratana Therapeutics, Medivet Biologics, Okyanos, Vetbiologics, VetMatrix, Magellan Stem Cells, ANIMAL CELL THERAPIES, and Stemcellvet

Furthermore, the report also categorizes the Canine Stem Cell Therapymarket on the basis of types of products or services, application segments, end-user, regions, and others. Each of the segments growth is assessed along with their growth estimation in the forecast period. Also, the Canine Stem Cell Therapymarket provides a scrupulous study on sales volume, industry size, shares, demand & supply analysis, and value analysis of several firms together with segmental analysis, relating to important geographies.

The report begins with a brief introduction and market overview of the Canine Stem Cell TherapyIndustry followed by its market scope and size. Next, the report provides an overview of market segmentation such as type, application, and region. The drivers, limitations, and opportunities for the market are also listed, along with current trends and policies in the industry.

The report provides a detailed study of the growth rate of every segment with the help of charts and tables. Furthermore, various regions related to the growth of the market are analyzed in the report. These regions include the USA, Europe, Japan, China, India, South East Asia, Central, and South America, Middle East and Africa, Other Regions. Besides this, the research demonstrates the growth trends and upcoming opportunities in every region.

Analysts have revealed that the Canine Stem Cell Therapymarket has shown several significant developments over the past few years. The report offers sound predictions on market value and volume that can be beneficial for the market players, investors, stakeholders, and new entrants to gain detailed insights and obtain a leading position in the market. Additionally, the report offers an in-depth analysis of key market players functioning in the global Canine Stem Cell TherapyIndustry.

The research presents the performance of each player active in the Canine Stem Cell Therapy. It also offers a summary and highlights the current advancements of each player in the market. This piece of data is a great source of study material for the investors and stakeholders interested in the market. In addition, the report offers insights on suppliers, buyers, and merchants in the market. Along with this, a comprehensive analysis of consumption, market share, and growth rate of each application is offered for the historic period.

The report clearly shows that the Canine Stem Cell TherapyIndustry has achieved remarkable progress since 2026 with numerous significant developments boosting the growth of the market. This report is prepared based on a detailed assessment of the industry by experts. To conclude, stakeholders, investors, product managers, marketing executives, and other experts in search of factual data on supply, demand, and future predictions would find the report valuable.

Some important key factors included in the report:

Summary of the Canine Stem Cell TherapyMarket major key players having major count in terms of end-user demands, restraining elements, revenue, sales, share & size.

Characteristics of Canine Stem Cell TherapyMarket including industry growth and restraining factors, the technological advancements, new upcoming growth opportunities, and emerging segments of the Canine Stem Cell TherapyMarket.

Other factors such as Canine Stem Cell TherapyMarket price, demand, supply, profit/loss, and the growth factor are broadly discussed in the market report.

Canine Stem Cell TherapyMarket size, share, growth factors analysis on regional and country level segments.

Market Trends, Drivers, Constraints, Growth Opportunities, Threats, Challenges, Investment Opportunities, and recommendations.

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Explore Complete TOC/ Ask for Customization@ https://www.reportsandmarkets.com/reports/global-canine-stem-cell-therapy-market-segment-analysis-opportunity-assessment-competitive-intelligence-industry-outlook-2016-2026?utm_source=jewishlifenews&utm_medium=15

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Few Points FromTable of Content:

1 Study Coverage

2 Executive Summaries

3 Breakdown Data by Manufacturers

4 Breakdown Data by Type

5 Breakdown Data by Application

6 North America

7 Europe

8 Asia Pacific

9 Central & South America


10 Middle East and Africa

11 Company Profiles

12 Future Forecast

13 Market Opportunities, Challenges, Risks and Influences Factors Analysis

14 Value Chain and Sales Channels Analysis

15 Research Findings and Conclusion

16 Appendix

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Market research is the new buzzword in the market, which helps in understanding the market potential of any product in the market. This helps in understanding the market players and the growth forecast of the products and so the company. This is where market research companies come into the picture. Reports And Markets is not just another company in this domain but is a part of a veteran group called Algoro Research Consultants Pvt. Ltd. It offers premium progressive statistical surveying, market research reports, analysis & forecast data for a wide range of sectors both for the government and private agencies all across the world.

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Canine Stem Cell Therapy Market 2020, Booms the Global Industry Growth at Impressive CAGR Over Forecast Period and Dominated by Key Players-VETSTEM...

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