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Nikon Small World microscopy contest 2022: Meet this years top 10 winners – Ars Technica

Enlarge / This arresting image of the hand of an embryonic Madagascar giant day gecko took first place in the annual competition.

The Madagascar giant day gecko (Phelsuma grandis) is a popular exotic pet, perhaps because it looks a bit like Geico's beloved animated gecko mascot. Adults measure about 10 inches in length and are known for their bright green body color, augmented by a red stripe running from the nostril to the eye. They can lick their eyeballs (a way to keep them clean since the creatures lack eyelids). And, of course, they sport those well-known adhesive pads on their feet and handsideal for clinging to smooth vertical surfacesthat physicists find so fascinating.

Now we have a unique perspective on the gecko's most famous appendage: a striking photomicroscopy image of an embryonic hand ofPhelsuma grandis, courtesy of a Swiss graduate student, Grigorii Timin, at the University of Geneva and his adviser, Michael Milinkovitch. It's the winning image in the 2022 Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition, designed to highlight "stunning imagery from scientists, artists, and photomicrographers of all experiences and backgrounds from across the globe," according to Nikon's communications manager, Eric Flem.

The first step in creating the winning image was to prepare the sample using whole-mount fluorescent staining of the tissue. And an embryonic gecko hand is actually quite a large sample (about 3 mm or 0.12 inches long) when it comes to high-resolution microscopy. So Timin painstakingly merged hundreds of images300 tiles, each containing some 250 optical sectionstogether using image-stitching to create the final result. Those cyan sections highlight the nerves in the embryonic hand, while other colors highlight bones, tendons, ligaments, skin, and blood cells.

Here are the remaining top 10 winners of this year's contest. You can check out the full list of winners, as well as several honorable mentions, here89 in all, selected from thousands of submissions around the world.

Caleb Dawson

Satu Paavonsalo & Sinem Karaman

Andrew Posselt

Alison Pollack

Ole Bielfeldt

Jianqun Gao & Glenda Halliday

Nathanal Prunet

Marek Sutkowski

Murat ztrk

See the rest here:
Nikon Small World microscopy contest 2022: Meet this years top 10 winners - Ars Technica

The Association Between Alzheimer’s Disease and Epilepsy: A Narrative Review – Cureus

Alzheimers disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease typified by loss of memory, language, behavior, and personality [1]. Globally, around 55 million people have dementia, with AD contributing to about 60-70% of the total. As the percentage of older people in the population is on the rise in nearly every nation, this number is expected to grow to 78 million in 2030 and 139 million in 2050 [2]. It is important to note that dementia is now the seventh leading cause of mortality worldwide and the one with the highest economic burden [3].It is now increasingly apparent that undiagnosed and unprovoked seizures exist in a fair number of patients with AD and are eight to 10 times greater in patients with AD compared to the general population [4-7]. Reciprocally, those diagnosed with epilepsy have a 1.6 times higher risk than those without epilepsy of incident AD [8]. A study on the rat hippocampus has shown that epilepsy can increase the production of A-beta 40 amyloid protein [9]. Some studies suggest seizures can cause a decline in cognition in patients with AD [5]. This is supported by the Presentation of Epileptic Seizuresin Dementia (PrESIDe) study, in which initially, patients with and without a suspicion of epilepsy performed similarly on cognitive tests. Still, at a 12-month follow-up, the patients suspected of epilepsy performed much worse on cognitive tests. The rates of unprovoked seizures were significantly elevated in younger individuals with the autosomal dominant form, in African Americans, in severe forms of the disease, and individuals with focal epileptiform findings on electroencephalogram (EEG) [10]. Moreover, subclinical epileptiform activity (epileptiform activity without seizures) predominantly localized to the temporal lobe was found in about 42% of the patients with AD that received extended neurophysiological monitoring [5]. It is worth noting that these subsets of patients also had an accelerated decline in cognition and executive function [5]. Therefore, screening patients for epileptiform activity is recommended to improve diagnosis and outcomes as only 10-22% of patients with AD have clinically detectable seizures [11]. This is in accordance with another study that showed most seizures in AD to be non-motor and, therefore, easily missed [12]. The true prevalence of it is difficult to estimate as fluctuation in cognition could be the only presentation of seizures which is more difficult to decipher in the AD setting, which independently causes cognitive dysfunction. The importance of identifying seizures in patients with AD is of therapeutic significance as anti-epileptic medication has shown to improve memory functions in patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) [13]. The focus of this review is to understand the association between AD and epilepsy, briefly explore the pathophysiological and molecular mechanisms underlying it as these are vital in developing treatment strategies, discuss various diagnosing modalities and summarise the current treatment strategies for epilepsy in patients with AD.

The Global Deterioration Scale developed by Dr Barry Reisberg has seven stages and is depicted in Figure 1. The criteria for epilepsy as per the International league against epilepsyis seen summarized in Table 1.

The pathophysiology linking AD and epilepsy is complex and not fully understood. The following factors have been described in the literature:


Twenty-five percent of people who develop epilepsy in late adulthood have no known cause and are diagnosed with late-onset epilepsy of unknown etiology (LOEU) [14]. People with LOEU have been shown to have amyloid pathology in the brain, with amyloid- (A) deposition increasing their risk of developing cognitive decline over the decades [14]. Histopathological hallmarks of AD are intracellular neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) and extracellular formation of senile plaques composed of the A peptide. Radioactive metal ions, for example copper, can catalyze the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) when bound to A[15]. The ROS thus produced, in particular the hydroxyl radical, is the most reactive and may contribute to oxidative damage on both the A peptide and the surrounding molecules (proteins, lipids, neurons) [15]. A is pro-epileptogenic at the oligomer stage, well before plaque deposition, and its accumulation fosters network hyperexcitability [14]. While low concentrations of A facilitate the synaptic transmission, higher concentrations reduce synaptic activity. It is likely that in AD, a steady and small increase of A prompts neuronal hyperexcitability. At higher levels of A, synaptic dysfunction and inhibition occur, which becomes clinically apparent as cognitive impairment [16].Epileptic discharges and seizures during prodromal stages of AD can be set off by A oligomers and increase dynamically with A deposition, supporting the speculation that A-related epileptogenesis sets the stage for resulting neurodegeneration [14]. These discoveries appear to convert into clinical experience, with seizures happening now and again in patients with prodromal AD [14,16]. Thus A is at the interface of epileptogenesis and neuronal loss. A also has epileptogenic potential in the early stages of the amyloid cascade. Preclinical studies have demonstrated that A oligomers can induce spontaneous epileptiform discharges and clinically overt seizures. The epileptogenic potential of oligomers can depend on oligomerization status, threshold concentrations, and interaction with other proteins [17,18]. Production of A species is activity-dependent and consistently increases with neuronal firing [18]. Epileptiform activity favors plaque deposition and A plaque deposition, in turn, alters neuronal signaling, maintains a dynamic environment in equilibrium with oligomers, and promotes epileptiform activity, creating a vicious cycle. The contribution of every single item to the vicious cycle is yet to be fully understood, given that experimental models do not satisfactorily replicate mild Alzheimer's disease stages. Dissection of each mechanism might aid the development of multitarget strategies [14]. Glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) is a proline-rich serine/threonine kinase and is essential in the pathogenesis of AD as it acts as a bridge between amyloid and tau; amyloid activates GSK 3, which in turn phosphorylates tau [19]. Many studies have already suggested that Tau and Amyloid play a role in epileptogenesis, and it can be deduced that GSK 3 has a role in developing unprovoked seizures in AD [19]. mTOR A serine/threonine kinase, expressed in multiple cell types, generates A42, and its hyperactivation is reported in both temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and AD [20].

Tau Protein

Tau protein is located in axons, a microtubule-associated protein type II; the MAPT gene encodes it on chromosome 17q21 [16]. Physiologically Tau protein is involved in anterograde and retrograde transport in axons via dynein and kinesin respectively. Pathologically paired helical filaments are formed, which are insoluble, self-assembled tau protein structures. Tau protein undergoes two post-translational modifications: hyperphosphorylation and truncation [16]. The hyperphosphorylation and abnormal tau aggregation, combined with its decreased clearance form NFTs and exert neurotoxicity in AD [21]. Hyperphosphorylation further halts microtubule binding, causing altered cytoskeleton stability and eventually loss of axon transport. Tau protein has been implicated in the disturbance of neuronal synchronization and hyperexcitability; along these lines, it could be connected to epilepsy [22]. Tau protein has also been embroiled in abnormal fiber growth and neuronal migration with hippocampal granule layer cell scatterings. These components are linked with epilepsy advancement [16].

Ion Channels

Beta-secretase 1 (BACE1) acts on Ion channels and primarily works on the 2 and 4 subunits of voltage-gated sodium channels [16]. BACE1 cleaves the 2 subunit regulating its transcription and expression on the cell surface; BACE1 also cleaves the channel 4 subunit, which mediates the closure of the voltage-gated sodium channel and, when cleaved, leads to aberrant firing and seizure-like activity. BACE1 levels are elevated in AD [16]. BACE1 also acts on voltage-gated potassium channels, which are linked to benign familial neonatal convulsions when mutated [16].

Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA)

A few trials in AD patients and mice have shown that the collection of misfolded A obstructs GABAergic interneuron action, causing impeded synaptic communication and loss of neural network activity, which ultimately leads to cognitive impairment [17]. A new report showed transcriptional downregulation of 1, 2, 3, 5, 1, 2, 3, , 2, 3and subunits of GABA A receptors andglutamate decarboxylase (GAD) chemical in the middle temporal gyrus (MTG) of post mortem brain samples from AD patients. These changes weaken the harmony among excitatory and inhibitory pathways that might cause cognitive impairment in AD [17]. Similarly, in biochemical examinations, the levels of GABA in the synapses were significantly lower in the CSF and the transient cortex of Alzheimer's patients, suggesting weakened synaptic action and neuronal transmission [17]. Soluble A-actuated hyperexcitability has been related in vitro with a diminished GABAergic inhibition. This fortifies the hypothesis that GABA is one of the intermediaries associated with the organization and cell changes that lead to neuronal hyperexcitability in AD [16].


The capacity of L-glutamate (L-Glu) and various essential amino acids to excite CNS neurons was first exhibited in 1959. Since then, L-Glu has been distinguished as the core transmitter mediating fast excitatory synaptic reactions in the vertebrate central nervous system (CNS). L-Glu distribution inside the CNS is broad [18]. The neuronal cell loss in AD is mainly limited to cell bodies and dendrites of glutamatergic neurons in layers III and IV of the neocortex; loss of glutamatergically innervated cortical and hippocampal neurons are additionally noticed [18]. Disturbance of glutamatergic signaling towards a proepileptic state in AD has been connected to A and Tau protein [16].

Role of Sleep

Interictal epileptiform discharges (IED) are significant intermittent electrophysiological events observed between seizures in patients with epilepsy. Based on a study by Vossel et al., the prevalence of IED detected with the help of routine scalp EEG in AD patients with seizures was about 30% [4]. Another study conducted by Diaz et al. has established that in epileptics and patients with IED, non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep is associated with a rise in focal and generalized epileptic discharges as opposed to awake state and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep [23]. This is further supported by other studies that have shown an increase in the epileptiform activity in AD patients with seizures during sleep EEG recordings [5,24]. But, it should also be noted that a normal EEG can be expected in 85% of epileptic patients with AD [25]. Therefore it can be concluded that the prevalence of epileptiform discharges is probably more than observed and also highlights the need for better biomarkers to detect seizures in AD. Further evidence suggests that most sleep-related subclinical epileptiform activity is present in many probable AD patients and recognition of the same would help improve diagnostics and patient outcomes [5,24].


Fifty percent of patients with EOFAD have mutations either in presenilin 1 (PSEN1), presenilin 2 (PSEN 2), or amyloid precursor protein (APP) [26]. These mutations can cause increased amyloidogenic processing of APP and increased A aggregates [27]. Mutations in PSEN1 are a significant cause of familial AD, as substantiated by 50% of the cases studied in nearly 480 families [27]. Figure 2 depicts the pathogenesis of AD and epilepsy in a concise way.

The prevalence of AD is inconsistent between several studies and ranges from 0.5% to 64%[28,29]. A meta-analysis published in 2021 found a combined seizure prevalence among patients with pathologically verified AD at 16% and in autosomal dominant AD (ADAD) at 2.8% to 41.7% [30]. It also established an incidence of 4.2 to 31.5 per 1000 person-years among those clinically diagnosed with AD [30]. Eleven percent of patients with adult-onset seizures had AD (95%CI, 7-14), with younger patients having an increased risk of seizures [30]. These differences in prevalence could be due to differences in diagnosing criteria, different databases used for studies, and variable disease severity [24]. It would also be challenging to obtain reliable history in more advanced stages of the disease. Conversely, symptoms such as syncope and behavioral changes can be falsely labeled as seizures. Hayashida et al. have described a case report of a 71-year-oldAD patient who presented with symptoms ofabdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and bloating and was diagnosed to have abdominal epilepsy [31]. This further highlights the various ways epilepsy can manifest itself in AD, making the diagnosis challenging.

There are common risk factors between AD and epilepsy as seen in Figure 3.

Identifying individuals with AD who are at an increased risk of developing seizures is pivotal in implementing strategies to slow down disease progression and improve outcomes. Filippov et al. proposed genotyping of the apolipoprotein E (APOE) allele in combination with EEG to identify early-onset AD [32]. This is further supported by a meta-analysis that showed that 15-45% of APOE4 carriers had developed AD [33]. The incidences of AD are higher inAPOE4/4 patients (25-45%) whofall into the age group of 75-80 years compared with APOE3/4 carriers (15-25%) when matched for age [34].Recent studies in AD patients and animal models have established the role of blood-brain barrier (BBB) dysfunction in AD pathogenesis. Despite many studies, much remains to be found in our understanding of the BBB. These studies will be of immense value in detecting a potential risk factor for AD and as an important therapeutic modality. A study by Sweeney et al. suggests using in vitro human BBB models using pluripotent stem cells with neurodegenerative conditions to study this in greater detail [35]. Montagne et al. studied the permeability of the BBB using advanced dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MI) showed age-dependent damage to the BBB in the hippocampus, the part responsible for memory, cognition, and learning [36]. Sleep disorders are also a risk factor for epilepsy as shown by a study conducted by Diaz et al. in which epilepsy was more prevalent in patients with insomnia or hypersomnia [23].

A 10-year cohort study by Lyou et al. showed that male sex, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, and chronic kidney disease contributed to an increased risk of epilepsy [37]. It is crucial to note that this study was limited since it did not consider the influence of the environment, EEG findings, and the role of drugs. Literature shows that patients with Down syndrome (DS) have early onset of AD and seizures as the location of APP is on chromosome 21, and DS occurs due to a trisomy in chromosome 21 [38]. Antipsychotic drugs have been found to increase the risk of epileptic seizures. Second-generation antipsychotics, especially clozapine carry a higher risk than the first-generation antipsychotics [39]. Seizures occur in one to five of every 10 people who have had a traumatic brain injury (TBI), depending on the location of injury in the brain [40]. As noted before, age is a significant risk factor for AD [41]. Young age at the onset of AD, in both the sporadic and familial forms, was a risk factor and predictor for seizures and is perhaps one of the most consistent risk factors for AD [10]. A retrospective cohort study found that the black race, TBI, stroke, and pre-existing co-morbid depression were all critical risk factors for epilepsy in patients with AD [42]. This furthers the idea that the depression associated with AD could be due to degeneration of neurons and could point to a much more widespread insult to the brain, thus indicating a grimmer prognosis [43]. Smoking is said to be independently associated with both AD and epilepsy. In this case, epilepsy is believed to account for impaired neuron functioning and atherosclerotic changes in the brain's vasculature. However, a retrospective study found that these ischemic changes did not vary significantly among epileptic and non-epileptic subgroups [44]. Higher education is also believed to be a risk factor for seizures in AD, according to a study conducted by Horvath et al. [44].

AD can be classified as sporadic or familial and the semiology varies depending on the form of AD. The most common type of seizure in sporadic AD, accounting for about 55-70%, is the focal epileptic seizure that presents with an altered state of consciousness but with no motor component [4,10,41]. Other symptoms like dj vu or jamais vu and staring episodes are also common and are wrongly interpreted as cognitive fluctuations [4]. In familial ADAD, motor symptoms are more frequently seen asfocal or tonic-clonic, or myoclonic seizures [30,42,43].

Diagnostic challenges include identifying the best biomarkers for measuring sub-clinical epileptiform discharges and finding modalities for early detection.

Myelin Sheath Imaging

In their study, Drenthen et al. stated that reduced myelin content is commonly associated with epilepsy and other neurodegenerative conditions such as AD. Myelin sheath studies include imaging methods such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) scans and histopathological methods such as immunohistochemistry and Western blot. Thus, making it a potential candidate for a proper diagnostic procedure [45].

Scalp EEG

Many studies show that epileptiform activity is often undiagnosed in AD, and here EEGs are of great value especially when taken overnight during sleep. In astudy, Horvath et al. aimed to identify subclinical epileptiform activity (SEA) in patients with AD and its effect on the progression of the disease. They examined 52 Alzheimer patients and 20 healthy individuals. They found that SEA changes are associated more significantly and frequently in patients with AD and are accompanied by decreased cognitive ability and memory impairment. Thus, SEA may not present clinically and is present in only 50% of patients with AD, but its association with rapid deterioration of the disease indicates the importance of its early detection by EEG [46].When monitored for a minimum duration of eight hours or by including sleep, the sensitivity was improved to 60-80% [12,24]. Serial EEGs are also helpful in diagnosis as opposed to standard 30 minutes EEG [12]. A study by Lam et al. included 24-hour ambulatory EEG monitoring of patients with AD and healthy elderly individuals. This study aimed to find how some EEG findings correlate to the clinical presentations of seizures in AD and concluded that left temporal hyperexcitability on EEG was seen in the early stages of AD, with clinical seizures more commonly associated with bitemporal lobe excitability [47].

CSF Biomarkers

A study conducted by Cretin et al. evaluated CSF findings of epileptic and nonepileptic Alzheimer patients and found no significant differences in the levels of neurodegenerative biomarkers and albumin. They also found a significant correlation between the presence of CSF amyloid proteins and epileptic patterns on EEG. However, the authors concluded that CSF analysis could not serve as a substitute biomarker since there can be other causative factors apart from an amyloid-centric pathology, thus making this diagnostic modality inferior to others [25].

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)

According to Dickerson et al., fMRIcan identify pathologies of AD and epilepsy in frontal, temporal, and parietal cortices and can also identify areas in the brain showing hypoactivation due to atrophy and compensatory hyperactivation. It helps identify large-scale functional abnormalities and minute neuronal dysfunction in the early stages of AD [48].

Magnetoencephalogram (MEG)

Kitchigina et al., in their study, stated that MEG could be very useful in the early detection of temporal lobe epilepsy and AD since it has the potential to detect changes occurring in the early stages of the disease. MEG can also see alterations in theta and gamma rhythms familiar to AD and epilepsy [49].

Foramen Ovale Electrodes

Lam et al., in their study, used foramen ovale electrodes to study electrical changes in two patients with AD and found hippocampal seizure activity and epileptiform spikes, which did not have any clinical presentation. Thus, this is a helpful modality in detecting occult hippocampal activity in the early stage of the disease [50].

Genetic Studies

Juzwik et al. stated that microRNAs are common genetic markers that are dysregulated in various neurodegenerative disorders, including AD and epilepsy, and thus can be used as a potential biomarker for their diagnosis [51].

PET Scan

A review by Cai et al. talks about the role of PET imaging in the detection of synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2A (SV2A) to study many neuropsychiatric conditions, one of which is AD. It could potentially be a reliable biomarker due to synaptic abnormalities in all neuropsychiatric disorders [52]. 18F-labeled fluoro-2-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) is also believed to help localize epileptogenic foci, especially in patients with underlying AD or other neurodegenerative diseases, especially if surgical treatment is warranted [53]. Altered adenosine receptor expression, a feature of many neurological conditions, including AD, can also be detected using a PET scan [54].

Cognitive Testing

Cretin et al., in their study, stated that epilepsy occurring in sporadic AD could be associated withother symptoms such as amnesia and behavioral changes. This can be a factor that can lead to a misdiagnosis ifclinical cognitive assessment is used as the only diagnostic modality. Moreover, epilepsy is seen in various stages of sporadic AD, mild, moderate, and severe, thus rendering it nonspecific and necessitating other modalities such as brain imaging [55]. The diagnostic modalities are summarized in Table 2.

Managing epilepsy in patients with AD can be especially challenging as the disease itself is a risk factor for epilepsy [56] and the concerned population is more proneto drug interactions due to different pharmacokinetics and effects on the CNS [57,58]. Therefore, the objective of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) treatment in this group takes into account several factors beyond adequate seizure control [58]. Patients without witnessed seizures but positive epileptiform activity should be treated based on clinician judgment for example if there is concern that it is causing impairment of cognition [4]. Slow titration and monotherapy with vigilant monitoring of side effects are general recommendations [56].

Consideration of AD Drugs in Seizures

It is important to consider that some of the medications for Alzheimers can lower the seizure threshold. While one study reports that memantine can lower seizure threshold [59], another study reports statistically significant benefits of using memantine to improve cognition in epileptic patients with a good safety profile and no noted adverse effects [60]. Out of all the adverse drug reactions noted on donepezil and rivastigmine, 8.4% and 6.4% respectively were accounted for by convulsions [61]. On the other hand, no increased frequency of seizures was noted in the randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of donepezil [62]. Galantamine was deemed to be safe in epilepsy and aducanumab was approved in 2021 for AD but needs further research on this topic [63,64]. Typical antipsychotics and bupropion commonly used for depression and mood stabilization can also lower the seizure threshold in these patients [65]. AEDs remain the intervention of choice with an excellent response rate of 79%, defined as a 95% reduction in seizures or fewer than three seizures annually [56,66]. Clinical judgment should be exercised for individual patients. No Empirical treatment with AED is indicated in patients without clinical or electrographic signs of network hyperexcitability but can be started if concerned that it is causing cognitive impairment [59]. In symptomatic AD patients, the risk of recurrence after the first unprovoked seizure stands at 70% and it is recommended to treat them indefinitely [67].

Pharmacological Interventions

Levetiracetam: A comparatively well-studied AED with proven efficacy and a good safety profile in AD. It can be used for both generalized and focal seizures and has fewer drug interactions [56]. One parallel randomised controlled trial (RCT) comparing lamotrigine (LTG), levetirecetam (LEV), and phenobarbital (PB) reported that around 71% (27 out of 38 people) of patients were responders on LEV monotherapy, with doses ranging from 500 mg to 2000 mg followed for a year after a month of dose adjustment [68]. Another prospective open-label study investigated 25 patients with advanced AD and noted a similar response rate of 72% with doses of 1000-1500mg and followed the patient for a year after giving a four week period for adjustment, while 16% discontinued due to issues with tolerability [69]. LEV was also noted to have an improvement in cognition, spatial memory, and executive function in AD with epileptiform activity. It also showed improved scores on mini-mental state examination (MMSE) and Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive Subscale (ADAS-cog) [59,69,70]. The medication was also well tolerated with no participant discontinuing treatment due to adverse effect [13]. Low doses of 125 mg twice a day was shown to improve hippocampal-basedmemory performance [13]. Levetiracetam also does not affect cytochrome p450 function and is exclusively renally excreted, hence accounting for fewer drug interactions [71] though, it is well established that LEV is noted for behavioral side effects, including irritation, agitation and even depression [72].

Lamotrigine: Another excellent option with a good safety profile and efficacy similar to LEV is lamotrigine with a response rate of 59% in a parallel RCT by Cumbo et al. [12,57]. It was also shown to improve cognition, mood, and performance on recognition and naming tasks as seen in a study by Tekin et al. after eight weeks of a trial of 300 mg of lamotrigine [73].

Gabapentin (GBP): Rowan et al. noted that 1500 mg per day of gabapentin had comparable efficacy with LTG 150 mg per day in older adults with a mean age of 72 years with mild cognitive impairment in a double-blinded RCT with 593 participants. While this is not specific to AD, it is a potential option [74]. Participants were followed for 12 months and remained seizure-free. GBP use in advanced AD remains questionable. Notable side effects include drowsiness and weight gain [75]. Hommet et al. reported similar findings though tolerance was better than LTG [75].

Carbamazepine (CBZ): Double-blinded RCT showed comparable efficacy of LTG, GBP, and carbamazepine at 600 mg per day but the tolerability was lowest [75]. CBZ, also being an enzyme inducer, was noted to be associated with osteomalacia, hence vitamin D, calcium, and physical therapy should be co-administered. Other side effects include cardiac dysfunction and low sodium [59].

Phenobarbital: It was seen to have an effective response of around 64 % similar to lamotrigine and levetiracetam in a randomized case-control study with a dose of 50-100 mg per day followed for a 12-month period. The major side effect was somnolence in nearly one-third of the patients. Cognitive outcome was poorer when compared to levetiracetam and lamotrigine. Studies suggest against its use for the abovementioned side effects but also due to increased risk of osteomalacia, ataxia leading to greater risk of fractures [59].

Valproate: It was associated with significant side effects including increased cortical volume loss, worsened MMSE and cognition, tremor, and gait disturbance compared to placebo in patients with AD which provide cases for not using it as your drug of choice [76,77].

Phenytoin: The efficacy of phenytoin remains controversial and variable with a lack of RCTs, and significant side effects including cognitive decline, ataxia, and sedation which are severe concerns in existing Alzheimer's [67,72]. Phenytoin was seen to increase seizure risk in mouse models [78].

Benzodiazepines: While highly efficacious in terminating seizures, they are well known to cause cognitive decline, delirium, and withdrawal seizures [79,80]. They also have significant addictive potential and hence should be only used as a last resort. Interestingly, long-term use has also been linked to the development of AD with one study reporting an odds ratio of 1.51 [81]. Other AEDs including oxcarbazepine and lacosamide have been used to treat seizures, but insufficient data is available for their efficacy in Alzheimers.

Levetiracetam (LEV) and lamotrigine have currently been shown to be the most effective treatment for seizures in patients with AD with levetiracetam also showing positive effects on cognition and lamotrigine helps stabilize mood [57,61,72,73]. Phenytoin and phenobarbital are not recommended for epilepsy in AD due to negative cognitive effects. The response to treatment is, however, good as can be seen summarized in Table 3.

Non-pharmacological Interventions

Non-pharmacological interventions, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), deep brain stimulation, chiropractic care, Reiki, and acupuncture, have been shown to improve outcomes in people with AD or epilepsy [54-56].Stem cell therapyhas shown independent benefit in cases of both epilepsy and AD in rodent model studies and thus could potentially be explored as a future modality [82].

AD and epilepsy have a complex association and although a lot of studies have established an association, the mechanisms underlying the same are still not fully understood. In this review, we have discussed the existing literature with respect to epidemiology, risk factors, possible mechanisms, diagnosis, and treatment. We have only briefly discussed the latest clinical trials without going into the details of the mechanisms of individual AEDs. We have also not discussed upcoming treatment options such as anti-amyloid treatment, GSK3 inhibitors, and Tau inhibitors due to insufficient evidence on their efficacies. At present, it is difficult to give recommendations on treatment strategies in AD patients with epilepsy as there are insufficient trials and data is still evolving.

Read the original post:
The Association Between Alzheimer's Disease and Epilepsy: A Narrative Review - Cureus

Animal Control Says Dog Dumping On The Rise Here In South Jersey – catcountry1073.com

My heart can't help but break for all the animals here in South Jersey that don't have a warm and cozy home to call their own.

That's why it's so sad to hear about all the abandoned pets we have in this part of the Garden State. Most recently, the folks at Shore Animal Control based in Seaville, Cape May County, have shared that dog dumping has become more and more common in this region over the last few years. How can anyone's ears, or heart for that matter, bear that?

As unfortunate as that is to hear, that's what they shared in a recent Facebook post. We know it to be true, though. For example, we shared the news just last week about a whole litter of kittens abandoned at the Funny Farm Rescue in Mays Landing. They're over capacity at the moment, by the way, so if you're here because you're unsure of where to surrender your animal(s), don't do it there.

With that being said, if you or anyone you know does need to surrender a pet, don't just leave it out in the wild to fend for itself. Once an animal is domesticated, it's cruel to expect them to just pick up and fend for themselves as if they've always done so. If worst comes to worst, reach out to rescues and shelters in your area, preferably no-kill shelters, that have room and are willing to take in your pet. If you choose to re-home them yourself, make sure you're properly vetting all candidates. You don't want your pet going to an unfit home.

As a mama to two amazing rescue dogs myself, it's heartbreaking to hear that pups are being dumped outside without a care in the world. If you see someone attempting to dump their pet, the folks from Shore Animal control suggest that you contact the police immediately.

Source: Facebook

To prepare yourself for a potential incident, always keep your vet's phone number handy, along with an after-hours clinic you can call in an emergency. The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center also has a hotline you can call at (888) 426-4435 for advice.

Even with all of these resources, however, the best cure for food poisoning is preventing it in the first place. To give you an idea of what human foods can be dangerous, Stacker has put together a slideshow of 30 common foods to avoid. Take a look to see if there are any that surprise you.

Spooky season is upon us! And whether you like to keep your celebrations low-key with a hayride or having the living daylights scared out of you, we've put together your ultimate guide for spooky and haunted attractions in South Jersey this Halloween.

Howl-oween? Meow-een? Even pets are getting in on the costume action this Halloween in South Jersey!

Read the original here:
Animal Control Says Dog Dumping On The Rise Here In South Jersey - catcountry1073.com

Unlocking the Mysteries of Brain Regeneration Groundbreaking Study Offers New Insight – SciTechDaily

Neuron generation trajectories. Credit: BGI Genomics

Because of its distinctive and adorable look, the axolotl Ambystoma mexicanum is a popular pet. Unlike other metamorphosing salamanders, axolotls (pronounced ACK-suh-LAH-tuhl) never outgrow their larval, juvenile stage, a trait known as neoteny. Its also recognized for its ability to regenerate missing limbs and other tissues including the brain, spinal cord, tail, skin, limbs, liver, skeletal muscle, heart, upper and lower jaw, and ocular tissues like the retina, cornea, and lens.

Mammals, including humans, are almost incapable of rebuilding damaged tissue after a brain injury. Some species, such as fish and axolotls, on the other hand, may replenish wounded brain regions with new neurons.

Tissue types the axolotl can regenerate as shown in red. Credit: Debuque and Godwin, 2016

Brain regeneration necessitates the coordination of complex responses in a time and region-specific way. In a paper published on the cover of Science, BGI and its research partners used Stereo-seq technology to recreate the axolotl brain architecture throughout developing and regenerative processes at single-cell resolution. Examining the genes and cell types that enable axolotls to renew their brains might lead to better treatments for severe injuries and unlock human regeneration potential.

Cell regeneration images at seven different time points following an injury; the control image is on the left. Credit: BGI Genomics

The research team collected axolotl samples from six development stages and seven regeneration phases with corresponding spatiotemporal Stereo-seq data. The six developmental stages include:

Through the systematic study of cell types in various developmental stages, researchers found that during the early development stage neural stem cells located in the VZ region are difficult to distinguish between subtypes, and with specialized neural stem cell subtypes with spatial regional characteristics from adolescence, thus suggesting that various subtypes may have different functions during regeneration.

In the third part of the study, the researchers generated a group of spatial transcriptomic data of telencephalon sections that covered seven injury-induced regenerative stages. After 15 days, a new subtype of neural stem cells, reaEGC (reactive ependymoglial cells), appeared in the wound area.

Axolotl brain developmental and regeneration processes. Credit: BGI Genomics

Partial tissue connection appeared at the wound, and after 20 to 30 days, new tissue had been regenerated, but the cell type composition was significantly different from the non-injured tissue. The cell types and distribution in the damaged area did not return to the state of the non-injured tissue until 60 days post-injury.

The key neural stem cell subtype (reaEGC) involved in this process was derived from the activation and transformation of quiescent neural stem cell subtypes (wntEGC and sfrpEGC) near the wound after being stimulated by injury.

What are the similarities and differences between neuron formation during development and regeneration? Researchers discovered a similar pattern between development and regeneration, which is from neural stem cells to progenitor cells, subsequently into immature neurons and finally to mature neurons.

Spatial and temporal distribution of axolotl brain development. Credit: BGI Genomics

By comparing the molecular characteristics of the two processes, the researchers found that the neuron formation process is highly similar during regeneration and development, indicating that injury induces neural stem cells to transform themselves into a rejuvenated state of development to initiate the regeneration process.

Our team analyzed the important cell types in the process of axolotl brain regeneration, and tracked the changes in its spatial cell lineage, said Dr. Xiaoyu Wei, the first author of this paper and BGI-Research senior researcher. The spatiotemporal dynamics of key cell types revealed by Stereo-seq provide us a powerful tool to pave new research directions in life sciences.

Corresponding author Xun Xu, Director of Life Sciences at BGI-Research, noted that In nature, there are many self-regenerating species, and the mechanisms of regeneration are pretty diverse. With multi-omics methods, scientists around the world may work together more systematically.

Reference: Single-cell Stereo-seq reveals induced progenitor cells involved in axolotl brain regeneration by Xiaoyu Wei, Sulei Fu, Hanbo Li, Yang Liu, Shuai Wang, Weimin Feng, Yunzhi Yang, Xiawei Liu, Yan-Yun Zeng, Mengnan Cheng, Yiwei Lai, Xiaojie Qiu, Liang Wu, Nannan Zhang, Yujia Jiang, Jiangshan Xu, Xiaoshan Su, Cheng Peng, Lei Han, Wilson Pak-Kin Lou, Chuanyu Liu, Yue Yuan, Kailong Ma, Tao Yang, Xiangyu Pan, Shang Gao, Ao Chen, Miguel A. Esteban, Huanming Yang, Jian Wang, Guangyi Fan, Longqi Liu, Liang Chen, Xun Xu, Ji-Feng Fei and Ying Gu, 2 September 2022, Science.DOI: 10.1126/science.abp9444

This study has passed ethical reviews and follows the corresponding regulations and ethical guidelines.

Read the original here:
Unlocking the Mysteries of Brain Regeneration Groundbreaking Study Offers New Insight - SciTechDaily

The power of a strong doctor-patient partnership and positivity when fighting lymphoma – Curetoday.com

After hearing the words you have cancer, a persons life instantly changes. Once the initial shock wears off, patients and their caregivers are often met with significant fear and uncertainty for the future. For Louise, a mother of five and grandmother to many more, after learning she had cancer, her oncologist, Dr. Ruemu Birhiray, MD, Hematology Oncology of Indiana, quickly assured her that they were going to fight her disease together. They adopted the motto for every problem, there is a solution, which would become an important mantra for Louise throughout her cancer journey.

Louises cancer story began in November 2019 when she went for a routine check-up. The doctors took her vitals and quickly noticed her pulse was high. Urgently, they recommended Louise go to the emergency room. Once there, Louise was given a computed tomography (CT or CAT) scan and informed that she needed to see an oncologist.

That oncologist turned out to be Dr. Birhiray, who diagnosed Louise with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), the most common type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), which affects approximately 28,000 people per year in the United States. DLBCL is a fast-growing but treatable cancer affecting B-lymphocytes, also known as B cells, a type of white blood cell that helps the body fight infections. As they develop, cancerous B cells become larger than normal and multiply uncontrollably.

Meeting Dr. Birhiray, I realized pretty quickly that he was going to take good care of me, said Louise. One of the first things you notice with Dr. Birhiray is how warm of a person he is. It felt like he was talking to me, not at me, and he was very attentive to my needs and questions.

After going through an intensive chemotherapy regimen, Louise was thrilled to hear that her DLBCL had gone into remission, only to learn six months later that the cancer had returned. That unfortunately made Louise one of up to 50% of patients whose DLBCL relapses (returns) or does not respond to treatment (becomes refractory).

While initially devasted to hear the cancer had returned, Louise and Dr. Birhiray swiftly worked together to determine next steps.

When Louises cancer relapsed after initial treatment, I wanted to take a different approach, said Dr. Birhiray. For her next treatment, I initially thought about doing a bone marrow transplant, but together we decided it wasnt appropriate. So I considered a different treatment regimen that had proven results in certain patients and did not require a hospital stay.

Dr. Birhiray again assured Louise that for every challenge, there are options. For Louise, that option was ultimately Monjuvi (tafasitamab-cxix) a targeted immunotherapy treatment given with another medicine called lenalidomide to treat adults with certain types of DLBCL that has come back or that did not respond to previous treatment and who cannot receive a stem cell transplant.

Shortly after beginning treatment with Monjuvi and lenalidomide, Louise had to go to another unrelated check-up that involved a CAT scan, where she received extremely encouraging news: her cancer was showing rapid improvement. A couple of months later, a positron emission tomography (PET) scan revealed there were no detectable signs of cancer in her body.

It was such a relief to no longer see any cancer on the CAT scan and to have confirmation that treatment with Monjuvi had worked for me, said Louise. Im very grateful to Dr. Birhiray and my healthcare team for helping me through my journey with DLBCL so far. They are always so positive and honest with me, and I feel like they listened to my needs and included me in important decisions, which made getting through treatment so much easier.

Louise is representative of a patient responding to Monjuvi. Every patient is different and individual results may vary. Louise continues to be under the care of Dr. Birhiray who routinely checks to make sure her cancer has not returned. Please read the Important Safety Information below to learn more about the side effects of Monjuvi.

Dr. Birhiray was also pleased by Louises results with Monjuvi. From their very first meeting, he had worked closely with Louise to develop a treatment plan that took into account her individual needs and circumstances.

According to Dr. Birhiray, it is also critical to involve patients in treatment-related decisions by having open and honest conversations about their options and what will happen in their body with certain treatments, including possible side effects. Beyond the effects of treatments, Dr. Birhiray believes it is important to account for a patients treatment goals, which includes factors such as the experience they are seeking while undergoing treatment and their life goals while on and following treatment.

As an oncologist, you really need to get to know your patient and establish trust from the beginning said Dr. Birhiray. More than just knowing their names, you need to know their bodies and understand their disease and how it affects them in order to develop a treatment plan that meets their needs. This requires in-depth conversations that can take upwards of an hour, in which I ensure my patients are knowledgeable about the treatment they are about to undergo and how it will affect them, and to understand how they are feeling.

Louises DLBCL continues to be in remission and she has a positive outlook for her future. She hopes her story can inspire others to build relationships with their doctors like the one she has with Dr. Birhiray.

I feel extremely fortunate to have found Dr. Birhiray and received a treatment for my DLBCL that led to remission, said Louise. I feel strongly that my outcome is a result of the partnership with my oncologist, working together to come up with a treatment plan that was right for me.

If you, like Louise, have DLBCL that came back or didnt respond to the first treatment (relapsed or refractory DLBCL), start a conversation with your healthcare team about your options. To learn more about Monjuvi, DLBCL and for support and resources, visit http://www.Monjuvi.com.

What is MONJUVI?

MONJUVI (tafasitamab-cxix) is a prescription medicine given with lenalidomide to treat adults with certain types of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) that has come back (relapsed) or that did not respond to previous treatment (refractory) and who cannot receive a stem cell transplant.

It is not known if MONJUVI is safe and effective in children.

The approval of MONJUVI is based on a type of response rate. There is an ongoing study to confirm the clinical benefit of MONJUVI.


What are the possible side effects of MONJUVI?

MONJUVI may cause serious side effects, including

The most common side effects of MONJUVI include

These are not all the possible side effects of MONJUVI. Your healthcare provider will give you medicines before each infusion to decrease your chance of infusion reactions. If you do not have any reactions, your healthcare provider may decide that you do not need these medicines with later infusions. Your healthcare provider may need to delay or completely stop treatment with MONJUVI if you have severe side effects.

Before you receive MONJUVI, tell your healthcare provider about all your medical conditions, including if you

You should also read the lenalidomide Medication Guide for important information about pregnancy, contraception, and blood and sperm donation.

Tell your healthcare provider about all the medications you take, including prescription and over- the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements.

Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to the FDA at (800) FDA-1088 or http://www.fda.gov/medwatch. You may also report side effects to MORPHOSYS US INC. at (844) 667-1992.


Please see the full Prescribing Information, including Patient Information, for additional Important Safety Information.

These participants were compensated for their time.

RC-US-TAF-01576 August 2022

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The power of a strong doctor-patient partnership and positivity when fighting lymphoma - Curetoday.com

Cell culture market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 11.11% during the forecast period – openPR

Cell Culture Market

Key players covered in the Cell Culture Market report are Thermo Fisher Scientific, BD, General Electric, Merck KGaA, Lonza, HiMedia Laboratories, FUJIFILM Irvine Scientific, Miltenyi Biotec, InvivoGen, Danaher, Eppendorf AG, Bio-Rad Laboratories , Inc., Corning Incorporated, Sartorius AG, PromoCell GmbH, VWR International LLC, Illumina Inc., Novogene Co., Ltd., Geneious, and Advanced BioMatrix, Inc., among other domestic and global players. Market share data is available separately for Global, North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA) and South America . DBMR analysts understand competitive strengths and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.

This Cell Culture Market report provides details about recent new developments, trade regulations, import and export analysis, production analysis, value chain optimization, share of market, the impact of domestic and localized market players, analyzes opportunities in terms of emerging revenue pockets, market changes regulations, strategic market growth analysis, market size, category market growth, applications of niche and domain, product approvals, product launches, geographic expansions, technological innovations in the market. For more insights on Cell Culture Market, please contact Data Bridge Market Research for a analysis note. Our team will help you make an informed market decision to achieve market growth.

For more information on Market Analysis, view the Research Report Summary at:- https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-cell-culture-market

Cell Culture Market Scope and Market SizeThe cell culture market is segmented on the basis of product, application, and end user. The growth between these segments will help you analyze low growth segments within industries and provide users with valuable market insights and insights to help them make strategic decisions to identify major applications of the market.

Based on product, the cell culture market is segmented into consumables and equipment.Based on application, the cell culture market is segmented into biopharmaceutical production, diagnostics, drug detection and development, stem cell research, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine, among other applications.On the basis of end user, the cell culture market is segmented into pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, hospitals and diagnostic laboratories, research institutes and cell banks.

Country Level Analysis of the Cell Culture MarketCell Culture Market is analyzed and market size insights and trends are provided by country, product, application and end-user as above. The countries covered in the Cell Culture market report are USA, Canada & Mexico, North America, Germany, France, UK, Netherlands, Switzerland , Belgium, Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, the rest of Europe in Europe, China and Japan. , India, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in Asia-Pacific (APAC), Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) within Middle East and Africa (MEA), Brazil,

North America dominates the cell culture market due to rising healthcare costs. Furthermore, increasing elderly population will further drive the cell culture market growth in the region during the forecast period. The Asia-Pacific region is expected to see significant growth in lower stem cell transplant spending. Furthermore, increasing large-scale research and development is expected to drive the cell culture market growth in the region in the coming years.

Explore Complete TOC At:- https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=global-cell-culture-market

The country section of the Cell Culture market report also provides individual market impact factors and regulatory changes in the national market that affect current and future market trends. Data points such as consumption volumes, production sites and volumes, import and export analysis, price trend analysis, raw material cost, value chain analysis Downstream and Upstream are some of the major indicators used to forecast the market scenario for each country. Additionally, the presence and availability of global brands and the challenges they face due to significant or rare competition from local and national brands.

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Cell culture market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 11.11% during the forecast period - openPR

Outstanding Midwestern News! We Might Have An Excuse To Not Rake Leaves This Fall – 1440wrok.com

We're still a few weeks away from the leaves changing color and eventually fall to the ground causing everyone with deciduous trees to pick up a rake and gather the leaves into an appropriate receptacle.

But what if the ecologically sound decision was to just leave them wherever they fell?

That's what the Minnesota Bee Lab would like you to do.

According to the Bee Lab, (and where else would you get your bee news from?) the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is considering putting the American bumblebee on the endangered species list.

The significant drop in bee population isn't a new story. It's been known for a while that the bee population is in trouble and the fallout in the near future could be disastrous.

No bees isn't a left or right issue. That's an everyone issue. No bees = a very bad time for humanity.

So what does this have to do with raking leaves? Great question.

The University of Minnesota Bee Lab suggests to "leave some messy piles of leaves in the corner of your yard. This will give queen bees somewhere to nest for the winter. If the queen doesn't make it, no one makes it.

While they suggest that you only need to leave a couple piles of leaves in your yard, I think for the good of humanity, we should just leave all the leaves on the ground this year. If it's good enough for Yellowstone, it's good enough for your Illinois home.

Some other bee friendly tips from a Master Gardener:

Be sure to have this article handy when a nosy neighbor asks you to clean up your yard this fall. Just tell them you're doing it for the planet. I'm sure they'll understand.

Eight Wisconsin Hikes That Will Immerse You In the Beauty of Fall

To prepare yourself for a potential incident, always keep your vet's phone number handy, along with an after-hours clinic you can call in an emergency. The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center also has a hotline you can call at (888) 426-4435 for advice.

Even with all of these resources, however, the best cure for food poisoning is preventing it in the first place. To give you an idea of what human foods can be dangerous, Stacker has put together a slideshow of 30 common foods to avoid. Take a look to see if there are any that surprise you.

Read the rest here:
Outstanding Midwestern News! We Might Have An Excuse To Not Rake Leaves This Fall - 1440wrok.com

What Is Arthritis? Arthritis Symptoms, Types, Causes, Treatments – Prevention Magazine

Bending your knees to climb the stairs. Moving your fingers to button a shirt. Swaying your hips to a favorite song. Most of us dont give much thought to these simple movements, unless they start to become painful or difficult. That can happen when a person has arthritis.

Arthritis is a progressive condition marked by pain or stiffness in the jointsparts of the body where two or more bones meet (like the elbow, wrist, or knee). It can be caused by simple wear and tear or by an overactive immune system, depending on the type of arthritis. But in both cases, the condition can make it harder to carry out everyday activities and have a major impact on a persons quality of life.

Roughly 58.5 million US adults have been diagnosed with arthritis, and that number is expected to jump to 78 million by 2040, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its the leading cause of work disability, and may increase a persons risk for problems like excess body fat and depression.

With arthritis, even the simplest tasks can become monumental. Whether its knitting, hiking, cycling, or just playing with a beloved pet, the pain, stiffness and limitations that come with arthritis can render these activities difficult, says Elizabeth Ortiz, M.D., a Dallas-based rheumatologist in private practice and medical director of Motto Health.

The condition doesnt have to sideline you, though. With the right care plan, you can keep your arthritis symptoms in check and find ways to do more of the things you love with less pain.

You might be surprised to hear that there are more than 100 types of arthritis. While each kind has its own specific symptoms, most can be lumped into one of two big categories.

Osteoarthritis or OA is the most common type of arthritis. Its sometimes called degenerative arthritis, since it happens when wear and tear (from repeatedly using a joint or injuring it) causes damage to a joints cartilage. Cartilage is the smooth, flexible tissue that cushions the ends of your bones, allowing your joints to move without friction. Once it becomes damaged or roughened, the joint bones begin to grind directly on each other, causing pain and stiffness that typically gets worse with activity or as the day goes on.

OA can happen in any joint, but it most often involves weight-bearing joints like the knees or the hips and typically affects them asymmetrically. Experts dont fully know why, but each joint is an independent variable with OA. One could easily have mild OA in the left knee, severe OA in the right hip, and no OA at all in other joints, says Benjamin Bengs, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon at Providence Saint Johns Health Center in Santa Monica, CA.

Simply getting older is a major risk factor, since age alone can cause joint cartilage to wear down. Youre even more prone if youve regularly engaged in high-impact sports (like running, dancing, or basketball), have a job that requires a lot of bending or squatting, or if youve sustained a joint injury (from playing sports or from a car accident, for instance). Women are also significantly more likely to develop OA than men, though experts dont fully understand why.

While osteoarthritis develops from wear and tear, inflammatory arthritis is an autoimmune condition where the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy joint tissue. This, too, can cause pain, stiffness, swelling, and inflammation that tends to get worse with activity and ease up when a person rests. The pain and stiffness can also be intense first thing in the morning.

The most common type of inflammatory arthritis is rheumatoid arthritis or RA. Joints on both sides of the body are typically affected, especially those in the hands, wrists, fingers, knees, ankles, and feet. But RAs problems can also be more far-reachingespecially when the condition isnt well-managedincreasing the risk for fatigue, dry mouth, digestive trouble, hives, or slow-to-heal wounds, as well as lung scarring and heart disease. Its immune system ties also mean that RA also makes people more prone to complications from illnesses like the flu or COVID-19, research shows.

Unlike osteoarthritis, aging isnt a risk factor for RA. In fact, it most often develops in a persons 30s, 40s, or 50s, and can even develop in kids and teens. It tends to run in families, and again, is significantly more common in women than in men.

There are other types of inflammatory arthritis too, including:

Different types and the potential to affect different joints means that arthritis symptoms tend to be pretty individualized. One person with osteoarthritis in their knee might hear cracking or popping when they bend down to grab something or feel like the knee might buckle when they try to stand back up. Another with rheumatoid arthritis in their fingers might find it difficult to write a check or a grocery list and struggle with chronic fatigue or brain fog, for instance.

But some arthritis symptoms tend to show up across the board. Though the severity isnt always the same, most people will experience:

Arthritis can affect your mood too. In fact, up to 1 in 5 people with the condition have symptoms of depression or anxiety. When faced with chronic joint pain and an inability to do the activities we once loved, it is only natural for our mood to be impacted, Dr. Ortiz says. Problem is, these feelings can end up zapping a persons motivation to manage their arthritis, which can lead to a cycle of worsening symptoms and worsening mood.

Osteoarthritis and inflammatory arthritis stem from different causes. OA happens when cartilage surrounding the joint starts to break down, leading the bones surrounding the joint to grind against each other. Its often the result of age-related wear and tear, but can be exacerbated by joint injuries or years of performing high-impact activities.

Inflammatory forms of arthritis like RA occur when the immune system mistakenly attacks the lining of the joints, causing the joints to become swollen and inflamed. Experts dont fully understand what triggers this immune response, but it likely has to do with genes (youre more likely to get RA if close family members have it) and environmental factors like exposure to certain viral infections.

Women are at higher risk for developing both OA and RA. Being overweight or obese can also make a person more prone to arthritis. Excess weight puts more pressure on joints, but there may be more to it. Fat cells can give off inflammatory signals, and simply having more of them may increase inflammation throughout the body, including inflammation around the joints, explains Micah Yu, M.D., an integrative rheumatologist in private practice in Newport Beach, CA.

The goal of arthritis care is to limit a persons pain and improve their function so they can do more of their everyday activities. For RA, its also about controlling inflammation and slowing the diseases progression. That usually involves a combo of medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes, and in some cases, surgery.

Both oral and topical meds can help manage osteoarthritis pain. Some people rely on OTC pain relievers like acetaminophen or NSAIDs ibuprofen, but when thats not enough, prescription NSAIDs or chronic pain meds like duloxetine can offer more relief.

OTC or prescription pain relievers such as NSAIDs can also be helpful for rheumatoid arthritis. But disease-modifying drugs (DMARDs) and biologics such as hydroxychloroquine, methotrexate, adalimumab, or rituximab also play an important role, since they can help prevent or delay the onset of worsening symptoms and permanent joint damage.

Injectable meds may be another option when oral or topical treatments arent doing enough. Your doctor might recommend a corticosteroid injection to temporarily relieve intense pain or inject a lubricant like hyaluronic acid to provide extra cushioning around a painful joint.

During sessions with a physical or occupational therapist, youll learn stretching and strengthening exercises that can go a long way towards reducing your joint pain and making movement easier and more comfortable. In fact, one study found that adults with knee osteoarthritis who participated in regular physical therapy experienced less pain and disability after one year compared to those who received steroid injections.

Healthy habits wont make arthritis go away. But when adopted as part of a comprehensive treatment plan, youll likely notice that you have less joint discomfort and more energy, so you feel better overall. Some behaviors to consider:

You and your doctor might decide to consider surgery to repair or restore damaged joints when other treatment options havent delivered the relief youre looking for. Depending on your symptoms, the procedure might involve removing inflamed joint linings, repairing tendons, fusing or realigning joints, or replacing joints that are badly damaged.

Aches or pains that last a day or two generally arent cause for concern. But you should let your doctor know if youre experiencing persistent joint pain, stiffness, or swelling, or if youre experiencing joint symptoms that are getting in the way of your everyday activities. Rheumatoid arthritis needs to be treated early in order to stave off permanent joint damage. And regardless of your arthritis type, getting care sooner can help you feel better.

Read the rest here:
What Is Arthritis? Arthritis Symptoms, Types, Causes, Treatments - Prevention Magazine

Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs): A Novel Therapy for Type 2 … – Hindawi

Although plenty of drugs are currently available for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), a subset of patients still failed to restore normoglycemia. Recent studies proved that symptoms of T2DM patients who are unresponsive to conventional medications could be relieved with mesenchymal stem/stromal cell (MSC) therapy. However, the lack of systematic summary and analysis for animal and clinical studies of T2DM has limited the establishment of standard guidelines in anti-T2DM MSC therapy. Besides, the therapeutic mechanisms of MSCs to combat T2DM have not been thoroughly understood. In this review, we present an overview of the current status of MSC therapy in treating T2DM for both animal studies and clinical studies. Potential mechanisms of MSC-based intervention on multiple pathological processes of T2DM, such as -cell exhaustion, hepatic dysfunction, insulin resistance, and systemic inflammation, are also delineated. Moreover, we highlight the importance of understanding the pharmacokinetics (PK) of transplanted cells and discuss the hurdles in MSC-based T2DM therapy toward future clinical applications.

Diabetes mellitus (DM) consists of an array of dysfunctions characterized by hyperglycemia and has become one of the most prevalent chronic diseases worldwide. Diabetes has afflicted more than 436 million people in 2019, and this number is estimated to reach 700 million by 2045. Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is caused by a deficiency of insulin production, while type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is linked to insulin resistance. Precisely, more than 90% of diabetic patients are affected by T2DM and, to a large extent, associated with obesity, lack of exercise, poor diet, and heredity [1, 2]. Insulin resistance occurs when cells in the muscle, adipose tissue, and liver insensitively respond to the action of insulin, thus engendering numerous pathogeneses that encompass the accumulation of ectopic lipid metabolites, activation of unfolded protein response (UPR) pathways, and activation of innate immune pathways [2]. Insulin resistance is primarily compensated by elevated insulin secretion, which eventually leads to T2DM due to the exhaustion of pancreatic -cells [3]. Therefore, insulin resistance has become the most prominent predictor of T2DM progression, as well as a potential therapeutic target once hyperglycemia is present [4].

Besides hyperglycemia, most diabetic patients are apt to suffer from various life-threatening complications (e.g., cardiovascular diseases and stroke) that reduce their quality of life and could even inflict fatal outcomes, which further highlights the necessity of suitable pharmacological intervention for the prevention and treatment of diabetes. In conformity with the American Diabetes Association (ADA), the regular treatment of T2DM is based on lifestyle interventions, including a healthy diet, weight loss, and regular practice of physical activity [5]. Nonetheless, these efforts should be performed in concert with antidiabetic drugs for consolidated maintenance of normoglycemia. To date, eight classes of antidiabetic drugs have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), including the first-line drug metformin and newly developed glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1RAs) [6], along with versatile medication protocols such as monotherapy, dual therapy, and multiagent therapy to improve the efficacy of T2DM treatment [7]. However, certain pathologies of T2DM, such as -cell exhaustion, hepatic dysfunction, insulin resistance, and systemic inflammation, remain refractory with the employment of conventional medications. Besides, these medications are associated with a myriad of risks and side effects, including hypoglycemia, diarrhea, and liver damage, signifying the indispensability of developing an antidiabetic drug ideal for the augmentation of insulin sensitivity and reversal of pancreatic -cell failure [7].

Recently, cell-based therapies have emerged as the next-generation medicine to address intricate physiopathologies of T2DM [810]. Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) have demonstrated their therapeutic effects in both animal studies and clinical studies, thus offering adept modalities in treating T2DM. In brief, MSCs are capable of self-renewal and differentiating into multiple mesenchymal lineages, such as adipogenic, chondrogenic, and osteogenic lineages in vitro. Moreover, they exhibit low immunogenicity due to the intermediate expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I, as well as the absence of MHC class II and costimulatory molecules on their cell surfaces [11, 12]. Besides, the plethora of cytokines, growth factors, and exosomes secreted by MSCs play a pivotal role in the regulation of insulin sensitivity and -cell dysfunction [13, 14]. Most significantly, previous studies have indicated that MSCs are capable of exerting certain antidiabetic effects, as supported by the evidence that multiple infusions of MSCs may reverse hyperglycemia instead of single-dose infusion [15, 16]. In this review, we summarize various animal and clinical studies of MSC therapy in treating T2DM. Next, we shed light on the possibility of MSC-based therapy as a novel antidiabetic treatment, with a focus on its potential therapeutic mechanisms. Finally, critical challenges toward the clinical translation of MSC therapy for T2DM are discussed through the viewpoint of cellular pharmacokinetics (PK) and safety considerations.

The multiplexed ability of MSCs to ameliorate T2DM-associated metabolic syndromes such as hyperglycemia, insulin resistance, and systemic inflammation has heretofore been delineated by numerous animal studies. The MSC sources, animal models, delivery routes, and interventions used in these research studies have been summarized in Table 1. Briefly, the main sources of MSCs include the umbilical cord, adipose tissue, and bone marrow from autologous, allogeneic, and xenogeneic origins [1719]. Interestingly, several publications that involved human-derived MSCs revealed that xenogeneic cells conferred suboptimal therapeutic effects in T2DM animal models and did not lead to severe graft rejection [17, 1921].

Furthermore, the most widely used T2DM models in these studies can be stratified into the high-fat diet- (HFD-) induced model, fat-fed/streptozocin- (STZ-) induced model, and leptin receptor-deficient (db/db) model. However, the duration of obesity and T2DM induction varies between different studies, thus causing different pathological stages of T2DM. Generally, a longer time is needed to induce -cell dysfunction than insulin resistance and hyperlipidemia, while 30 weeks were taken to induce nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) syndrome in small animals [18]. Moreover, STZ is usually injected intrapancreatically into animals after 10 weeks of HFD treatment in order to accelerate the induction of -cell dysfunction [19, 22]. Besides, the db/db model, which is characterized by the deficiency in leptin receptors, is also well adopted owing to the steadily high plasma glucose level [23].

According to Table 1, the majority of researchers deliver therapeutic MSCs through the intravenous tail vein despite the fact that MSCs would be trapped within the lung capillaries and eliminated rapidly within hours postadministration [18, 2225]. On the other hand, a single administration of MSCs has been proved to provide potent therapeutic effects on glucose tolerance and insulin tolerance in diabetic animals [18, 22]. However, only a limited number of articles summarize the versatile therapeutic effects of MSCs among diverse formulation and dosing regimens on T2DM animal models. Therefore, further studies should be carried out to establish the standard guidelines to be implemented in MSC therapy.

In addition to optimizing the MSC sources, animal models, administration routes, and dosages, cell engineering strategies have been scrutinized to improve the therapeutic outcomes of MSCs. In particular, genetically modified MSCs were exploited to induce the secretion of rarely expressed or nonnative therapeutic proteins with the advent of gene-editing tools such as CRISPR-Cas9, viral and nonviral vectors. For instance, Xu et al. have exemplified that the overexpression of insulin-producing genes in mouse MSCs significantly sustained their antidiabetic effects in vivo after intrahepatic administration [26]. Karnieli et al. also reported that MSCs transfected with pancreatic and duodenal homeobox-1 (PDX-1) can reduce blood glucose in STZ-diabetic severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice after 5 weeks [27], accompanied with some drawback as the mice developed abnormal glucose tolerance after 6-8 weeks of transplantation. In addition, Milanesi et al. used human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (hBM-MSCs) to coexpress the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and PDX-1 transiently and were able to reverse hyperglycemia in more than half of the diabetic mice, denoting that MSCs improved their overall survival and body weight [28]. However, discrepant effects were observed between mice treated with hBM-MSCs with dual and single gene expressions. Aside from insulin-producing genes, PDX-1, VEGF, and interfering neurogenin 3 (Ngn3) have also been integrated into MSCs to augment their antidiabetic effects [29]. In our recent research, we genetically engineered MSCs with Exendin-4 (MSC-Ex-4) and demonstrated their boosted cellular function and antidiabetic efficacy in the T2DM mouse model. The Exendin-4 secreted by MSC-Ex-4 improved MSC survival under high glucose stress via autocrine activation of the GLP-1R-mediated AMPK signaling pathway, as well as suppressed senescence and apoptosis of pancreatic -cells through endocrine effects. We also showed that the amplified secretion of bioactive factors (e.g., IGFBP2 and APOM) of MSC-Ex-4 paracrinely augments insulin sensitivity and decreases lipid accumulation in hepatocytes through PI3K-AKT activation [30]. Indisputably, the functional proteins secreted by genetically modified MSCs may be useful to mitigate NASH and metabolic-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) concomitantly, concerning that diabetes is intimately associated with these complications. In concise detail, the antidiabetic GLP-1RA commercialized by Novo Nordisk, namely, semaglutide, has shown encouraging effects in resolving the symptoms of NASH in phase 2 trials [31].

Nevertheless, these genetically engineered MSCs still exhibited numerous setbacks, which lead to the underwhelming therapeutic effects of MSCs. Firstly, transient transfection is extremely unstable, thus resulting in short-lasting therapeutic effects. Secondly, most viral vectors are not desirable in clinical settings due to the possibility of causing carcinogenesis and immune responses, which indicates a demand for other cell engineering modalities in order to enhance the MSC potency. Simultaneously, maintaining the low generation of MSCs and reducing the cell damage during cell transfection and chemical (e.g., puromycin) selection are challenging tasks. Meanwhile, the ethical concerns involving gene manipulation face a considerable degree of skepticism. However, with the continuous advancement of gene-editing tools with unprecedented spatiotemporal control, we believe that the genetic manipulation techniques are prompt to have enhanced precision, efficacy, and safety [32, 33].

According to the data published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), current clinical trials of MSCs involved in the treatment of diabetes mainly focus on T1DM patients. In 2008, the University of Miami has started MSC therapy on T2DM patients by using bone marrow stem cells (BM-SCs), which were harvested from the patients iliac crest bone marrow [38]. Although this study did not authenticate the identity of isolated cells, most of these cells were claimed to be MSCs according to the isolation method. The metabolic panels showed significant improvement in T2DM patients when comparing baseline data with 12 months of follow-up data. Furthermore, combinatorial therapy of intrapancreatically infused autologous stem cells (ASCs) and hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) can improve the metabolic and insulin control of T2DM patients. Still, further randomized and controlled clinical trials are necessary to validate these findings.

According to Table 2, although human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (hUC-MSCs), BM-MSCs, and bone marrow mononuclear cells (BM-MNCs) are the mostly used cell types in clinical trials, some infrequently used cell types or conditions, such as hypoxia preconditioned mesenchymal stem cells (HP-MSCs) and bone marrow-derived mesenchymal precursor cells (BM-MPCs), also show their therapeutic effects. Besides, MSC therapy was applied as an adjuvant to strengthen the efficacy of antidiabetic drugs. In a Chinese clinical trial, 12 T2DM patients who failed to reinstate normal glycemic control after liraglutide treatment were treated with cells/kg of hUC-MSCs via pancreatic artery infusion on the first day, with another cells/kg of cells infused through the peripheral vein on days 8, 15, and 22. On the contrary, control subjects were infused with saline, while both groups were treated with liraglutide for 24 weeks. The result demonstrated that the fasting plasma glucose (FPG), postload glucose (2hPG), and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels were significantly decreased in subjects who received MSC therapy in comparison with control groups [39], indicating that MSCs can improve glucose metabolism and -cell function in T2DM patients in combination with other medications or therapies.

In addition, intrapancreatic and intravenous infusion methods are generally used in clinical studies due to safety concerns. In 2014, Liu et al. found that subcutaneous hematoma was developed at the injection site of a patient during the first day of intrapancreatic injection, which was resolved subsequently after seven days. Besides, nausea, vomiting, and headache also occurred in another patient, who recovered spontaneously within one week. Therefore, although previous clinical trials showed that intravenously injected MSCs can cause pulmonary microembolism, no serious adverse reactions have been indicated so far [40]. In addition, the therapeutic effects of MSCs can be enhanced when combined with biological materials, such as collagen and hydrogels. A clinical study that was aimed at improving the erectile function of men with diabetes by the injection of collagen hydrogel and hUC-MSC mixture into the cavernous body was recruiting in 2015. Since a collagen scaffold has been demonstrated to prolong the lifetime and maintain the stemness of MSCs, we can assume that the combination of stem cell therapy and tissue engineering can further augment the therapeutic efficacy of MSCs.

Although the therapeutic efficacy of MSC therapies for T2DM has been postulated decades ago, their underlying mechanisms remain elusive. Therefore, multiple potential mechanisms of MSCs in various pathological processes of T2DM, such as -cell exhaustion, hepatic dysfunction, insulin resistance, and systemic inflammation, are envisaged here.

MSCs promote insulin production by facilitating the regeneration of endogenous pancreatic islet -cells, and several hypotheses about their fundamental mechanisms have been reported. Although previous studies have proved that MSCs can differentiate into -cells or insulin-producing cells in vitro [4850], it is increasingly evidenced that limited transdifferentiation of the infused MSCs could occur in vivo to facilitate the process of pancreas regeneration and ameliorate hyperglycemia in T2DM models. For example, Hess et al. discovered that despite the elevated insulin production of streptozotocin- (STZ-) induced mice at 42 days after the intravenous injection of hBM-MSCs, the majority of the transplanted cells migrated to ductal and islet structures, and only a minority of transplanted cells are labeled with insulin [51]. Therefore, although MSCs can initiate endogenous insulin production and stimulate the proliferation of -cells, transdifferentiation of MSCs into -cells and transplantation engraftment may not significantly contribute to the restoration of pancreas function.

Moreover, MSCs demonstrate their repairing potential through the secretion of versatile cytokines and growth factors, including transforming growth factor- (TGF-) , interleukin- (IL-) 6, and VEGF, which participate through both the paracrine and autocrine actions to enhance the islet function [52] and facilitate the vascularization process (Figure 1) [53]. In addition, some researchers correlated the islet repairing potential of MSCs to their antiapoptotic effects. Briefly, Borg et al. proved that BM-MSCs could reduce islet cell apoptosis as decreased cleavage of caspase 3 in vivo was observed after MSC treatment [54]. Chandravanshi and Bhonde further proved the antiapoptotic effect of MSCs by downregulating reactive oxygen species (ROS), nitric oxide, superoxide ions, caspase 3, caspase 8, and p53 and upregulating Bcl2 under hypoxia circumstances [55]. Besides, BM-MSCs are able to alleviate endoplasmic reticulum stress- (ERS-) induced apoptosis by overexpressing Myc through stromal cell-derived factor- (SDF-) 1 signaling or cell-cell interaction (Figure 1) [56].

Besides, MSCs are capable of enhancing the formation of autophagosomes by clearing impaired mitochondria and increasing the number of insulin granules (Figure 1) [22]. Mitochondria are key players in energy production, signaling, and apoptosis in cells, and their dysfunction has become the hallmark of various diseases, including diabetes, ischemia, inflammation, and aging. An increasing number of studies have revealed that MSC-mediated mitochondrial transfer is a mainstay to rescue injured cells and restore mitochondrial functions [57, 58]. Rackham et al. demonstrated that mitochondria of MSCs could be transferred to -cells under hypoxia conditions for replenishment. Consequently, the oxygen consumption rate and insulin secretion rate of islet cells were enhanced after being cultured with MSCs, indicating that mitochondrial transfer could respond to and alleviate hypoxic and oxidative stress caused by excessive ROS production from damaged mitochondria [59]. Considering that mitochondria play a central role in energy metabolism, their intercellular transfer may partially explain the therapeutic mechanism of MSCs in improving -cell regeneration. Besides, an increasing number of studies have postulated that mitochondrial donation by MSCs can also ameliorate other diabetic complications, including diabetic nephropathy and inflammation [58, 60, 61].

T2DM is strongly associated with hepatic dysfunction, provided that around 57% to 80% of T2DM patients are suffering from MAFLD. In short, the relationship between MAFLD and T2DM is intricate and bidirectional, as they share similar features and metabolic syndromes, such as the accumulation of hepatic lipids, oxidative stress, and glucose tolerance [62]. In 2012, Ezquer et al. found that intravenously transplanted MSCs could significantly lower a panel of disordered biochemical markers of liver function caused by HFD, for instance, alkaline phosphatase (AKP), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and aspartate aminotransferase (AST), implying that MSCs could improve liver function of T2DM patients (Figure 1) [18].

PPARs are the major regulators of lipid metabolism, which help to control the balance of fatty acid uptake, adipogenesis, and -oxidation. After MSC administration, PPAR- was upregulated while PPAR- was downregulated in the liver of HFD mice, denoting that PPAR signaling pathways modulated by MSCs implicitly influence hepatic metabolism [17]. Besides, the expression of enzymes associated with hepatic glycolysis, including glucokinase (GCK), liver pyruvate kinase (L-PK), and 6-phosphofructo-1-kinase (PFK), was greatly elevated. Meanwhile, enzymes involved in gluconeogenesis, such as peroxisome proliferator -activated receptor coactivator 1- (PGC-1), phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK), and glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase), were reduced [24]. Evidence shows that the infusion of MSCs will activate protein kinase B (AKT) and AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) signaling pathways, which play indispensable roles in cell metabolism (Figure 1) [24, 25].

Furthermore, oxidative stress caused by mitochondrial dysfunction will also lead to liver metabolic imbalance [63]. The glutathione (GSH)/oxidized glutathione (GSSG) ratio was reduced, and the amount of superoxide dismutase, which is inversely proportional to systemic ROS levels, was increased after MSC treatment (Figure 1) [64, 65], postulating that the therapeutic effect of MSCs is highly associated with metabolic homeostasis. Meanwhile, treatment using an MSC-conditioned medium exhibited similar effects, suggesting that paracrine effects significantly contribute to the reparation process in T2DM [25]. In our recent work, we demonstrated that the intravenously injected MSCs resided in the liver on day 5 postadministration and persisted for 15 days. Besides, bioactive factors (e.g., IGFBP2 and APOM) secreted by MSCs paracrinely augmented insulin sensitivity and decreased lipid accumulation in hepatocytes through PI3K-AKT activation [30].

Insulin resistance, which is a distinctive hallmark of T2DM, describes the failure of cells to respond to insulin during disease progression. Lately, Si et al. revealed that intravenously injected BM-MSCs could increase GLUT expression and elevate phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) and AKT in the target tissues of insulin [66], delineating that MSCs are capable of alleviating insulin resistance of diabetic patients. Furthermore, Deng et al. also showed that Mitsugumin 53 (MG53), an E3 ligase that promotes the ubiquitinoylation of IRS-1 in skeletal muscles, was inhibited by MSCs (Figure 2) [67]. Akin to the skeletal muscle that accounts for 70%-80% of insulin-stimulated glucose disposal, inhibition of the IRS-1 ubiquitin pathway may also engage in alleviating insulin resistance [68]. Moreover, insulin resistance in MAFLD and subsequent hepatic diseases is associated with the overproduction of inflammatory mediators and their downstream signaling molecules, with evidence suggesting that NOD-like receptor protein 3 (NLRP3) inflammasomes play an important role in obesity-induced insulin resistance [21]. The application of MSCs in T2DM treatment exemplifies that NLRP3 formation was inhibited through immune response regulation of MSCs, thus enhancing the function of IRS-1 and GLUT4 in hepatic cells (Figure 2) [35].

Besides, exosomes, which are nanoscale extracellular vesicles, also show broad prospects in tissue regeneration and damage reparation. In vivo experiments have further demonstrated the therapeutic effects of intravenously injected MSC exosomes in reducing the blood glucose level, as well as restoring the phosphorylation of IRS-1 and AKT signaling pathways in insulin target tissues [20]. The latest study confirmed that exosomal miR-29b-3p can regulate cellular insulin sensitivity via sirtuin- (SIRT-) 1 (Figure 2) [14], which is a class III histone deacetylase deeply involved in apoptosis, genomic stability, and gene expression regulation, indicating that histone modification related to insulin resistance is one of the treatment approaches of MSCs. Moreover, the clearance of dysfunctional mitochondria, alleviation of ERS, and diminishment of ROS may ameliorate insulin resistance [69].

It is notorious that the pathogenesis of obesity-related insulin resistance includes chronic low-grade inflammation and activation of the immune system [21, 70]. Therefore, overexpression of systemic inflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-) , interleukin- (IL-) 1, and IL-6, is accompanied by the pathogenesis of metabolic syndromes, including insulin resistance, atherosclerosis, and MAFLD (Figure 2). Likewise, the abnormal changes in peripheral or tissue-resident immune cells and their regulatory function always accompany the development of diabetes, indicating that immune cells such as T lymphocytes (T cells), macrophages, and natural killer cells (NK cells) are considered to participate in the progression of T2DM concomitantly [21].

It has been a prevailing dogma that MSCs have immune privilege properties. This is exemplified by the immunomodulatory effects of MSCs on T cells, B lymphocytes (B cells), dendritic cells (DCs), and NK cells, mainly via paracrine effects that involve the secretion of enzymes, chemokines, cytokines, anti-inflammatory mediators, growth factors, and extracellular vesicles [71, 72]. Briefly, MSC activation is subjected to the stimulation of a multitude of inflammatory cytokines, including TNF- and interferon- (IFN-) , which in turn shift to an immunosuppressive phenotype by inducing the secretion of soluble factors that mediated immunomodulatory activities, such as prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), indoleamine-pyrrole 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO), and IL-10 [73, 74]. Additionally, the paracrine immunomodulatory properties of MSCs are highly mediated by versatile signaling pathways like the telomerase-associated protein Rap1/NF-B pathway [75]. Although we do not have a comprehensive understanding of the precise mechanism of MSC-based immunomodulation, MSCs have been harnessed for the treatment of immune-mediated disorders [76, 77], including graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) and diabetes.

To date, experimental results showed that the inflammatory status of STZ-diabetic animal models contributes to the modification of the pancreatic microenvironment, while the administration of MSCs promoted the proliferation of regulatory T cells (Tregs) to provide long-term immunoregulatory effects [78]. Consequently, Th2 cytokines (IL-10 and IL-13) secreted by Tregs seem to play a key role in -cell activation and survival through their anti-inflammatory effects, where the definitive mechanism of action remains to be an enigma (Figure 2) [19]. Besides, the mobilization of MSCs by inflammatory factors under specific microenvironments has been demonstrated, illustrating that MSCs can elicit the transition of macrophages into an anti-inflammatory phenotype to alleviate insulin resistance in T2DM rats [34, 36]. In brief, classically activated macrophages (M1) could stimulate MSCs to overexpress IL-6 and MCP-1, thus converting M1 into an alternatively activated phenotype (M2) (Figure 2). Meanwhile, IL-4R expression was upregulated in macrophages, which sensitizes them to the IL-4 stimulus. Moreover, MSCs can downregulate the systemic inflammatory cytokines to impair insulin receptor action and respective downstream signaling pathways by preventing the formation of NLRP3 in the adipose tissue and liver [35]. Wang et al. demonstrated that IL-1 and TNF- secreted by the T2DM islet could stimulate MSCs to secrete IL-1Ra, which could ameliorate islet inflammation (Figure 2) [37]. In conclusion, the above mechanistic investigation provides a theoretical basis for the clinical application of MSCs in the treatment of T2DM along with its associated complications.

Although MSCs have shown their potential in treating T2DM both in vitro and in vivo, we have not thoroughly understood their in vivo behavior, which hampers further progress for clinical investigation in the field of MSC-based T2DM therapy [79]. It is generally known that there is often a discrepancy in the kinetics of MSCs among different cell sources, T2DM models, and routes of administration [80]. Therefore, the ability to determine the dose, in vivo distribution, and extended viability of MSCs in patients is crucial in developing MSC-based therapies and elucidating the in vivo therapeutic mechanism of administered MSCs for T2DM treatment [81]. Furthermore, increased knowledge of MSC distribution after delivery could allow researchers to estimate cellular pharmacokinetics, thus identifying the dosing scheme required to achieve optimal therapeutic effects [82]. Akin to the use of a PK model for drug development, which delineated the time course of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME), an effective in vivo kinetic model of administered MSCs and their released factors should be adapted and applied to allow clinical translation of therapeutic MSCs in treating T2DM. If robust pharmacokinetic models of MSCs can be developed, the therapeutic efficacy of MSCs in various treatment conditions can be predicted, thus informing the optimal administration regimes of the cells and hastening the progression of clinical research [80].

Despite the rapid progress in using MSCs as a safe and effective treatment of T2DM, the in vivo PK of administered MSCs is rarely reported. Sood et al. labeled BM-MNCs with a positron emission tomography (PET) tracer, namely, fluorine 18-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG), to track the biodistribution of cells in vivo. BM-MNCs were administered to diabetic patients through three different routesperipheral intravenous, superior pancreaticoduodenal artery, and splenic artery injectionwith the in vivo biodistribution of cells tracked and quantified at 30 and 90 minutes after administration. More BM-MNCs were retained in the pancreas after being administered through the superior pancreaticoduodenal artery, while no discernible cell was observed after splenic artery and intravenous injection. Besides the pancreas, the spleen also showed an intense FDG signal after splenic artery injection. On the contrary, the lung showed retention of cells within 30 minutes, with a significant clearance in 90 minutes after intravenous injection [83]. The study by Sood et al. did not track the BM-MNCs for a longer time. Furthermore, Yaochite et al. generated adipose-derived- (AD-) MSCsLuc+ that expressed luciferase and administered the cells to STZ-induced diabetic mice through intrasplenic or intrapancreatic injection. Following intrasplenic transplantation, AD-MSCsLuc+ were mainly observed in the liver and pancreas until day 8 after intrasplenic and intrapancreatic injection, respectively. However, these injection routes are rarely used in clinical trials, denoting that the long-term distribution of MSCs after intravenous injection should be further compared with the above administration routes in diabetic mice and patients [84].

Although the biodistribution of cells can be quantified by various experiment techniques, the PK of administered cells has not been studied systematically through a PK model. During the past 30 years, many PK models have been developed to describe the ADME of conventional drugs, which were successfully applied to predict the safety and efficacy of therapeutic agents, including biologics and small-molecule drugs [80]. Studying the PK aspects of MSCs is difficult but critical in the development of MSC therapy, which could assist in the optimization of the cell dosage, mode of injection, course treatment, and targeting strategies to achieve maximum efficiency with the lowest risk [85]. To simplify the explanation of the in vivo kinetics of therapeutic cells, the dynamics of systematically administered cells have been considered similar to those of inert micrometer-scale particles injected into the bloodstream of animals [83, 86, 87]. To date, the only published PK model of MSCs was developed in 2016 [79]. Wang et al. established a physiological-based (PB) PK model based on the anatomical structure of the body, which separates every important organ in the body as an individual compartment, and each of them is interconnected by blood vessels. In this simplified model, the whole body was divided into eight interconnected compartments, which were the arterial blood, lungs, liver, spleen, kidneys, heart, venous blood, and the rest of the human body (Figure 3) [37]. Once administered intravenously, most of the MSCs were rapidly transferred to the blood vessels of each organ through systemic blood flow. MSCs that reached the organs were either passively entrapped in the microvessels or actively adhered to the endothelial cells. The entrapped MSCs were either released back into the blood circulation or eliminated after depletion (Figure 3). Therefore, , , and were used to represent the rate constants of the arrest, release, and depletion processes, respectively, along with other key parameters, including species-specific physiological parameters (body weight, organ volume, and blood flow) and MSC-specific parameters (partition coefficient, arrest rate constant, release rate constant, and depletion rate constant). Through this PBPK model, the time course of MSC concentration in blood and individual organs can be predicted across species, such as mice, rats, and humans. However, the model only predicts a fast distribution process of MSCs in the body within 24 hours, implying that optimization of the current model is imperative, as the slow biological process such as proliferation, senescence, and differentiation of the arrested MSCs should be incorporated into the model [88].

Besides, it is well established that MSCs can play their therapeutic roles beyond what is conveyed by the transplanted cells alone, mainly through the secretion of bioactive products, namely, the secretome [89]. Therefore, the PK of these factors, which are constantly secreted by MSCs, should be considered in a similar way to common pharmaceutical drugs [80]. Salvadori et al. used the approach described by Parekkadan and Milwid [86] to establish a new pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PK-PD) model, namely, the two-functional-compartments PK-PD model [82]. In this model, the cell-related biomarkers released by MSCs, which are capable of influencing bystander cells (e.g., macrophages), can secrete specialized bioactive substances that play a main role in the PD of administered cells [90]. Accordingly, they described that MSCs can attenuate sepsis by releasing PGE2, which binds to PGE2 receptors of activated macrophages and provokes the release of IL-10 that in turn reduces inflammation by acting on immune cells [86]. Moreover, other supporting data on this concept have been reported [91]. Nevertheless, the present models are still unable to represent the long-term in vivo kinetics of MSCs and their secretomes adequately.

In short, understanding the in vivo kinetics of administered drugs can be challenging, especially for nontraditional drugs such as MSCs. A functional PK-PD model may begin to predict the pharmacokinetics of MSC therapies through a specific formulation and administration pathway by utilizing both in silico modeling and empirical analysis. Besides, studies of the pharmacokinetic model have the ability for interspecies scaling, allowing us to predict the in vivo kinetics of therapeutic MSCs in humans through animal data. However, it is indefinite how well the findings in animals can be quantitatively transferred to humans. Despite the use of MSCs in clinical trials, many details still need to be discussed as their biodistribution varies under different treatment conditions. Therefore, combined PK-PD modeling describing both the biodistribution and the functional secreted factors of MSCs should be unraveled to achieve more efficacious MSC therapeutics in the future.

According to the summarization of preclinical and clinical results in the aforementioned studies, MSC-based therapy has made tremendous progress in T2DM treatment in both animal studies and clinical trials. Aside from the necessity of developing a robust PK-PD model, there are still many encumbrances for MSCs to transit out of the laboratory stage and be launched as therapeutic products in the pharmaceutical industry. Some of these impediments have become a mutual subject in the field of cell therapy, but some necessitate particular considerations due to the special characteristics of T2DM that are distinct from other diseases. Therefore, various challenges in the clinical development of MSC therapy for T2DM are discussed here, which include but are not restricted to the limited therapeutic effects caused by the lung barrier, the capillary blockage caused by microthrombus, and the selection of diverse cell sources.

The delivery routes of MSCs have been shown to dramatically influence the therapeutic effects of MSCs. In small animal and clinical studies, intravenous injection is the most frequently used administration route and the bioluminescence imaging system is widely accepted to track the in vivo biodistribution of MSCs. Impoverished cell survival was discovered as most of the MSCs were trapped within the lung capillaries and eliminated within hours posttail vein injection [92]. Still, the fate of MSCs in the lung is controversial as the fluorescence signal gradually disappeared during long-term tracking [93]. Furthermore, microthrombus that contributes to the blockages in lung capillaries also arises as a potential safety issue in cell therapy. According to previous studies, intravenous infusion of MSCs will lead to a reduced blood flow velocity in the lung capillaries, which resulted in the formation of local thrombus in the blood vessels [94]. In order to resolve this drawback, heparin was mixed with cell suspension by Liao et al. during systemic injection [95], while MSCs were pretreated with hypertonic solution by Leibacher et al. to reduce the cell size [96]. Besides, Leibacher et al. also suggested that the size of MSCs would gradually increase with prolonged culture passage [96], indicating that the infusion of MSCs with lower passage will reduce the formation of microthrombus.

Although MSCs derived from various sources such as the umbilical cord, adipose tissue, and bone marrow have shown efficacy in relieving T2DM in preclinical and clinical studies, the clinical success of MSC therapy is still facing great challenges due to their compromised expansion potential and age-associated functional decline, as well as the setbacks in the standardized and large-scale manufacture of therapeutic MSCs [97, 98]. Primary MSCs isolated from different donors, tissue sources, cell separation methods, or culture conditions show natural heterogenicity, which causes batch-to-batch variation and diverse differential and therapeutic efficacy [97, 98]. Therefore, the production of MSCs complying with the current good manufacturing practice (cGMP) standards becomes a prerequisite to ensure the standardization and reproducibility, as well as the quality and safety of MSCs for clinical use [99]. Besides, although MSCs have been considered safe with minimal tumorigenicity after transplantation, genetically modified MSCs are facing safety concerns, including the immunogenic toxicity of viral vectors, insertional oncogenesis, and mutational integration [97].

To date, there are insufficient studies that have compared the therapeutic effects of MSCs from different sources and engineering methods systematically. Therefore, the selection of MSCs that can achieve the best prognosis effect under diverse clinical circumstances remains an arduous task to be investigated concertedly. Particularly, the ability of AD-MSCs to improve glucose tolerance effectively is evidenced by both animal studies and preclinical studies. However, despite the lower production cost, higher feasibility, and superior in vitro expansion ability of AD-MSCs, research shows that adipose tissue in T2DM patients is in an inflammatory state and is accompanied by a certain degree of cell aging [100]. Aging cells will disrupt tissue function through their senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP), which contains a large number of inflammatory factors, thus contributing significantly to systemic inflammation in T2DM patients [101]. Furthermore, SASP can cause insulin resistance in liver cells and apoptosis of islet cells, given that transplanting senescent adipose tissue will affect the animals behavioral ability and accelerate the aging of mice [102]. Therefore, it is still questionable whether autologous AD-MSCs are suitable for the treatment of T2DM, concerning that the adipocytes in diabetic patients are in an inflammatory state. Besides, autologous cells are hard to be developed as off-the-shelf products due to their longer processing duration after being extracted from patients. On the other hand, although studies have shown that MSCs exhibit immunoregulatory effects, it remains elusive as to what degree the allogeneic cells trigger immune responses in vivo after the administration [103].

Aside from primary tissue-derived MSCs, the employment of MSCs differentiated from human pluripotent stem cells (PSCs), including embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), may potentially be more desirable choices as safer and more effective MSC medications against T2DM [104]. In particular, iPSCs based on cell reprogramming technology have provided unprecedented opportunities to expedite the development of human cell therapies, without involving the ethical issues of ESCs. Briefly, the advantages of iPSC-derived MSCs (iMSCs) include their potential to produce infinite donor-related sources of specific stem cells with improved homogeneity, stability, controllability, and scalability, thus becoming a preferential commercial candidate for clinical applications [97, 98]. Besides, it is increasingly appreciated that human iMSCs exhibit higher proliferative potential and display potent immunomodulatory properties [105, 106]. To date, Cymerus MSCs (CYP-001), which are derived from adult iPSCs produced by an optimized GMP-compliant manufacturing process, have been characterized by Cynata Therapeutics and received approval to launch the worlds first formal trial for the treatment of acute steroid-resistant GvHD [107, 108]. However, it is worth noting that there are still a few hurdles, such as potential tumorigenicity, immunogenicity, and heterogeneity, which remain to be overcome when using iMSCs for downstream applications, including T2DM therapy in the future [104].

Although the therapeutic success is substantiated by MSCs in preclinical and clinical studies, their mechanisms of action in the progression of T2DM become the foremost issue to be thoroughly elucidated. Meanwhile, although researchers reach a consensus on the immunosuppressive effect of MSCs [32], the mechanism that describes how MSCs can affect systemic inflammation has not been thoroughly clarified. Galleu et al. investigated the therapeutic effects of MSCs on GvHD and suggested that those MSCs that resided in the lung were attacked by cytotoxic T cells and NK cells, thus leading to cell apoptosis [109]. Consequently, fragments produced by apoptotic MSCs are phagocytosed by macrophages to produce indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase, which helps to mediate systemic inflammation inhibition. However, it remains unclear whether apoptotic MSCs contribute to the same therapeutic mechanism in treating T2DM. In addition, Akiyama et al. believe that MSCs can induce T cell apoptosis through their production of the Fas ligand, and the apoptotic fragments are swallowed by macrophages to trigger systemic immune regulation [110], suggesting that the diverse roles of MSCs might lead to potential safety risks in clinical use. Therefore, uncovering the fate of MSCs in vivo will pave the way for the understanding of therapeutic mechanisms to accelerate the progress of their clinical translation.

Despite the complexity involved in the pathological process of diabetes, various conventional drugs are capable of lowering blood sugar levels through different mechanisms. However, it is uncertain whether antidiabetic drugs can reverse the pathological progression of T2DM. Thiazolidinedione, which possesses the potential to increase liver insulin sensitivity, has a risk of inducing heart failure or hepatic dysfunction [111]. GLP-1RAs have shown a broad range of therapeutic effects in various diseases aside from their antidiabetic effects. Recent studies have proved that liraglutide, exenatide, and semaglutide show promises in treating cardiovascular diseases [112, 113], MAFLD [114], obesity [115], ischemic stroke [112, 116, 117], Parkinsons disease [118, 119], and Alzheimers disease [120]. Therefore, combinatory administration of GLP-1RAs and MSCs is expected to augment the therapeutic efficacy of both the antidiabetic drugs and the MSCs.

In conclusion, the therapeutic effects of MSCs on T2DM are multifaceted [121] and the possible therapeutic mechanisms have been summarized here. MSCs can improve the systemic inflammatory state through their immunosuppressive functions, reduce the apoptosis of islet -cells to augment insulin secretion, and improve the metabolic state of the liver. However, further in-depth clarifications regarding the mechanisms of action of MSCs in treating T2DM are still a requisite. Therefore, whether it is possible for MSCs or novel MSC-assisted therapeutics to surpass traditional medicines in reversing the progression of T2DM remains an engrossing question to be explored in the future.

The references used to support the findings of this study are included within the article.

All authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.

Shuang Gao, Yuanyuan Zhang, and Kaini Liang contributed equally to this work under the supervision of Yanan Du. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

All authors would like to thank all members of Du Lab for their great support. This work is financially supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2017YFA0104901), the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission (Z181100001818005), and the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (043220012).

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Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs): A Novel Therapy for Type 2 ... - Hindawi

All Puppies Have Been Adopted and This One Was Left Behind – K945

A couple of months ago a momma dog and her companion were dumped on Westport road in Shreveport. They made their way along I-20 and by some miracle, these dogs weren't hit.

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Check out these 50 fascinating facts about dogs:

To prepare yourself for a potential incident, always keep your vet's phone number handy, along with an after-hours clinic you can call in an emergency. The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center also has a hotline you can call at (888) 426-4435 for advice.

Even with all of these resources, however, the best cure for food poisoning is preventing it in the first place. To give you an idea of what human foods can be dangerous, Stacker has put together a slideshow of 30 common foods to avoid. Take a look to see if there are any that surprise you.

Does your loyal pup's breed make the list? Read on to see if you'll be bragging to the neighbors about your dog's intellectual prowess the next time you take your fur baby out for a walk. Don't worry: Even if your dog's breed doesn't land on the list, that doesn't mean he's not a good boy--some traits simply can't be measured.

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All Puppies Have Been Adopted and This One Was Left Behind - K945

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